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dandersahn on 23 Aug : 19:26
xTaskbar just keeps getting better and better. Th[more ...]

Andymon on 23 Aug : 13:46
AlwaysOnTop maybe is broken the same way as xLabel[more ...]

Backslash on 22 Aug : 22:45
Looking forward to it!

I though[more ...]

Backslash on 22 Aug : 22:17
Bump... the icons are working perfect in 1.0.3, an[more ...]

matrixman on 22 Aug : 19:06
Thanks Andymon. The new version is perfect. No pro[more ...]

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xPopup suggestions

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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Wed Aug 04 2004, 07:32AM

posts 38
heard that MinWidth seems to be broken :-S

and... the Menubreak feature was one of the major ideas of popup I ever want to. that and some other were the cause to start with that module.

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Thu Aug 05 2004, 07:33AM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 57
Hope you don't mind, but I've been testing out the keyboard commands/navigation of xPopup and I have a few suggestions. (I just never seem to keep quiet, do I? I love the ever-improving xPopup!)

-When a popup opens, it should respond to mousewheel and keyboard keys. [Currently one has to move the mouse into position over an entry first. Until then, letters work but arrow keys do not. Or is this by design, as it is the title that the mouse is over, not an entry?]

-Clicking or pressing enter on a selected folder should navigate into the folder, much like the right arrow key currently does. Meaning that one can then press other keys (like up or down) and use the mousewheel in the newly opened folder.
--Another idea for this: add support for the 'extra' mouse buttons so that the fourth/x1button goes 'back'/'out' (like the left arrow key) and the fifth/x2button goes 'forward'/'in' (like the right arrow key).

-If there is only one entry that starts with a letter, if that letter is pressed it should open that entry. In the case of folders, [which it currently already does open it], it should also navigate into the folder (as the above suggestion).

I'd appreciate other people's comments if they have improvements to these ideas! Maybe you are used to using your keyboard commands in certain programs differently, or have better ways of doing things. I've got a couple more suggestions to come but I'm interested to hear comments on these first. All this in the name of making xPopup the best!
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Thu Aug 05 2004, 10:34AM
Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 56
OK, I'm having to use this module even without !PopupTasks (xTaskbar is too good, and so is xPopup).

-Cache folder contents. Have some way, in the *xPopup line, to tell it to go through the contents, and keep them handy. Often, when doing various tasks, the quicklaunch and programs menus are very slow. I'd gladly give up several MB of RAM to keep them speedy, even if they didn't refresh until a !recycle.

-Automatic column break for folders. This I just can't do without, given xPopup does not scroll like Popup2. However, multiple columns, like Explorer's menu, would actually be superior.

-An 'auto' option for the anchor of a popup, so it displays like any other popup. That is, 'growing' from the bottom or right if the cursor is too close to the edge of the screen.

BTW, working on my !popuptheme, I love menubreak!
[ Edited Thu Aug 05 2004, 10:39AM ]
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Fri Aug 06 2004, 01:07PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 74
Hi, to all.
Just wanna to say something about suggestions/bug reports in general
Normally I only read quickly through New Posts and don't answer directly or add it to my "ToDo" List. So if someone wants to be sure his suggestions are to 100% be recognized and considered, he may use our PM Message to write me directly (or per Mail).

Your suggestion are all logically enhancements Nevertheless some may be tricky to implement, but most should be no real problem.

@Cerbie: The Folder Contents are cached after the first Show, if you mean the time till a Submenu opens this is set to 500ms by default "xPopupFolderOpenDelay", check out the other two Time Settings too for SpeedUp.
Update Folders On-The-Fly with F5
xPopup Scrolls not, but simply switches to the next part, much quicker (scroll down or up)!
AutoAnchor and AutoMenuBreak will definitly come.
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Fri Aug 06 2004, 05:14PM

posts 38
btw: in the next days I'll create here a new link to "submit sugestions". where you all can post that stuff it'll be more like a guestbook, but easier to read and recognize

it could take some time until this will work, cause I don't have many for now, so please be kind, I'll do my best

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Sat Aug 07 2004, 04:43AM
Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 56
-scrolling: if I bring the mouse down to the bottom of the menu, nothing happens. If I use the mousewheel, it scrolls x lines at a time, moving the mouse with it. If I use up/down, it goes one row at a time, moving the cursor. If it didn't move the cursor, it'd be a lot easier, OR if pageup/pagedown would do something, OR if it would automatically set up columns, like Explorer's, which would rock, as no scrolling would be needed at all (it will come, cool!).
-Caching: I cna tell they are cached at first view, but often they take awhile for that first view. What I mean would be like say the Programs folder should be cached, and then it AND its subfolders (so this could be dangerous for the my computer popup ) would not take any extra time to show.
I have all delays set to either 10ms or 0, like popup2. I'd like a LS popup to give Blackbox's a run for, freeness? .

Thanks for another awesome module.
[ Edited Sat Aug 07 2004, 04:53AM ]
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Sat Aug 07 2004, 04:50AM
Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 56
Another feature idea: allow a popup to be the contents of a popup folder.
*xPopup "VWM stuff" !popupfolder:"!popupVWM" back to rebuilding my theme, now that I've thought of adding an order of magnitude of options.
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Sat Aug 07 2004, 10:18AM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 57
@Andymon: good to know, thanks. Will do.

I can think of two solutions for the scrolling:
-one of which you've already mentioned Cerbie, and it's a good idea; PageUp and PageDown keyboard support.
-the other is this: If the mouse is at the bottom of the screen, and an entry is selected that is not entirely within the screen (it goes off the bottom), after a delay switch to the next page. (Dunno, you might be able to steal the edge detection code from Popup2's scrolling routines.)

At the moment there is a workaround; simply use the mousewheel down a few times when at the bottom of the screen.

--Aha, another idea involving scrolling; perhaps have some bangs like (xpopup)NextPage and PrevPage (or whatever) for use with pinned popups and quicklaunches.
--which leads to an idea for quicklaunches, allow for either MaxWidth or a new setting, something like MaxCount, so that only "n" number of entries are shown, but on arrow key or bang (as in above suggestion) it will go to the next page. This idea less a priority than the suggestions for scrolling above.
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Sun Aug 08 2004, 09:34AM
Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 56
Another scrolling idea: simply be able to set mwheelup and mwheeldown to scroll by page, or by x entries, and of course to not move the cursor in the process.
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Mon Aug 09 2004, 12:09PM
Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 56
Scrolling bug in 0.7 : when scrolling, the cursor moves to the lowest open popup, and only scrolls that.

Cached popups: It won't be a permanent fixture (the PC sits for maybe 10-15 min if the My Computer entry is not commented), but I like it! An option to maybe not cache a certain entry could be handy, but I think I'll have it as an option (off by default) in my next theme, and copy & paste the standard LS popup, sans My Computer, if it is on. I'm now off to do real testing of it (run SiSoft's HD bench and use the popup).

Autobreak: YES! But...when moving the cursor from directories to the file listings, the popup hides. Going from the files to the directories works fine, so it is usable (track quickly across, or out of the popup and back in). This only seems to occur on the first level of a popupfolder (Programs does it, docs do it...but subfolders, like Accessories, do not).

...and I'm now confident enough in the module that I'm starting that popup-based theme I said I would.
[ Edited Mon Aug 09 2004, 12:13PM ]
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