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bigdaddy on 17 Sep : 03:54
So it won't be like lsbox where you just have a co[more]

J on 17 Sep : 01:28

I need to devide one of my [more]

GothsSecret on 16 Sep : 22:13
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hi. sorry, could someone explain me how to make my[more]

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there is another trick now, with the new xTextEdit[more]

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xTaskbar questions and suggestions

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Thread: xTaskbar questions and suggestions
             Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:23AM

Registered Member #38
Joined Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 67
I'm trying to make a taskbar with alwaysontop fixed width and height buttons, multiple rows and columns, but an invisible 'taskbar'.

Is AlwaysOnTop working? I can't get it to work on startup, but a
!xTaskbarAlwaysOnTop xbar toggle
gets it to work. Problem is, the parts of the taskbar that are invisible (the 'holes' in the unfilled rows that don't have buttons) appear on top of things (looking like the desktop background).

And while we're on the subject of 'transparency', an option to allow for 'click-through' to the desktop on the parts of the taskbar that don't have buttons would be very nice. So I could, say, shift-click on the empty part of the taskbar and get the popupTheme just like I do when I shift-click on the Desktop.
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Thread: xTaskbar questions and suggestions
             Sun Aug 15 2004, 02:25PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 90
AlwaysOnTop should normally work, but i'll check it again!?
But for Real Transparency simply set
xTaskbarTransparecyMode TRUE
then it works as Real Transparency.
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Thread: xTaskbar questions and suggestions
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 02:38AM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 67
Excellent! That is exactly the option I was looking for, and click-through works too! Hope you can figure out the alwaysontop problem (hope it's not just me!).

Another minor problem I'd be grateful if you would check:
Is the substring of *xTaskbarSpecific not quite acting like a substring? Right now if the substring is, for example: "ico" it will display tasks including things such as "Microsoft" and, just for testing, explorer windows with folders named "i1c2o3" and "iacaoa". ??? Yes, there is the letters i, c, o, in that order but there are letters in between!

Perhaps wildcards in this case would be a good solution as well; that way one could do something like "ico*". Only if that's easy to do

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Thread: xTaskbar questions and suggestions
             Wed Aug 18 2004, 10:38AM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 67
Nice new version. Great work with the substring wildcards, this will be very useful!

-Still can't get AlwaysOnTop to work in 1.0.2.; just thought I'd let you know. I'm using SolidColors for the buttons, if that makes a difference...

--Also, something to think about: I think a counterpart to OnLineAdd / OnLineRemove would be very useful, such as for the cases where 'Lines' are columns, this 'Counterpart' would be rows. Only problem is what to call it... Something like OnRowAdd, but what about when the roles are switched?
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Thread: xTaskbar questions and suggestions
             Sun Aug 22 2004, 10:17PM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 67
Bump... the icons are working perfect in 1.0.3, and I'm liking the speed increase. But same situation with AlwaysOnTop as in the post above. Can somebody give me an example, if it works for them?
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Thread: xTaskbar questions and suggestions
             Mon Aug 23 2004, 01:46PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 90
AlwaysOnTop maybe is broken the same way as xLabel.
If you load/use some WallPaper changer modules or another module, i can't remember (try searching in forum).
I know that this breaks the OnTop.
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