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photofx on 21 Sep : 18:32
that's something that i'm hoping all modules wil[more]

photofx on 21 Sep : 18:24
actually i belive i have truetransparency set (win[more]

Andymon on 21 Sep : 13:12
Maybe some solutions:
1. The Entrys suppo[more]

Andymon on 21 Sep : 13:07
No known systray module can use AlphaMap, but you [more]

Wolzly on 21 Sep : 08:57
Okay I don't even know if I'm using the right term[more]

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xTaskbar requests/suggestiong

Author Post
Thread: xTaskbar requests/suggestiong
             Mon Aug 23 2004, 07:26PM

xTaskbar just keeps getting better and better. The 1.03 build finally fixed the issue in which xTaskbar would freeze while an explorer window is "thinking". Thanks!

I have two requests/suggestions for improvement. I know they are a bit trivial but...

1. When dragging xTaskbar buttons to reorder them, the right-click action (.select for most, I'm sure) should not be executed. You would probably have to change the mouse click activation to fire on mouse-up rather than mouse-down (which is probably a good thing as that is the way almost every other application and LS module works). Middle-click and right-click should follow suit for consistency.

2. When dragging a file onto xTaskbar to open a particular app window, it would be great if a configurable activation delay could be set to avoid opening up the wrong window by accident. Windows taskbar has such a delay (although it is WAY too long).

Once again, many thanks for such a great module
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