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xPopup - problems...

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Thread: xPopup - problems...
             Fri Aug 20 2004, 03:57PM

after i assign ArrowImage and don't use EntryImage i can not see the arrow on my folder? ander the mouse the arrow appears
if i use entryimage all ok!
but on solidcolor....(((

Automenubreak and maxwidth crop my menu!
can i setup column width? not all menu...

sorry for my english
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Thread: xPopup - problems...
             Sun Aug 22 2004, 04:14PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 90
Both problems will be fixed with the next version. So just wait
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Thread: xPopup - problems...
             Sun Aug 22 2004, 10:45PM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 67
Looking forward to it!

I thought I'd note one issue that I haven't heard mentioned yet... don't mean to 'bug', just hoping to catch the bugs

With a pinned popup (in my case a quicklaunch), if set to PinnedPopupNotOnTop but then you run a couple !(popupname)PopupTogglePin bangs, the NotOnTop state is 'forgotten', that is it becomes on top again.
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Thread: xPopup - problems...
             Tue Aug 24 2004, 04:11PM

BE WAIT))))))))
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