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mike2003 on 10 Sep : 16:55
i download 9.02 version
with automenubrea[more]

Andymon on 09 Sep : 13:18
Yes, because of the current implementation, each i[more]

iRalf on 09 Sep : 12:16
Sorry to spam you guys with so many questions... [more]

Andymon on 07 Sep : 13:40
As long as the [!varset example test] has to b[more]

Andymon on 07 Sep : 13:37
Don't really know, but i think i might be the "thr[more]

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xtaskbar problems

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Thread: xtaskbar problems
             Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:43PM

Registered Member #102
Joined Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:28PM
posts 13
Hi. I have some problems with xtaskbar module:

The icons from explorer are not shown (directory icons/explorer icon)
All other icons have no problems.

I find your xtaskbar module very great, but that thing is disturbing me a little bit.

And the autosizing width feature is a little bit strange. cause sometimes its the right width and sometimes there are 1 or 2 pixels missing.

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Thread: xtaskbar problems
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 02:34AM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 64
Explorer icons show just fine for me using 1.0.1 and size 16 icons. Even special icons like Control Panel, My documents, etc; I assume this is what you mean. You using any special settings we should know about?
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Thread: xtaskbar problems
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 04:41AM

Registered Member #102
Joined: Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:28PM
posts 13
since 1.0.1 my explorer icons screwed up only directory icons and explorer icon. controlpanel and rest works fine. i use windows xp *german* and i have normal xtaskbarsettings.
on 16px and 32px the same problem
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Thread: xtaskbar problems
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 02:12PM

posts 42
I'm also using XP german, and cause of your post I tried it yesterday, but... I only mentioned that on folderchange the icon is flickering, but it never disappeard :-s

the autowidth... hmm... I dunno, never mentioned that problem :-s

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: xtaskbar problems
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 08:19PM

Registered Member #102
Joined: Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:28PM
posts 13
I have downloaded xtaskbar 1.0.2, but its the same problem like in 1.0.1
I have also tested it on two other pcs:

Windows XP Professional SP1
Windows XP Professional SP2
Windows XP Home Edition SP1

but on every pc the same issue.

Dont know what it is.

Maybe its my config:

xTaskbarImage "taskbar.png"
xTaskbarX 9
xTaskbarY 0
xTaskbarWidth $adaptivewidth-17$
xTaskbarHeight 35
xTaskbarIconShow true
xTaskbarIconSize 16
xTaskbarIconX 2
xTaskbarIconY 1
xTaskbarLines 2
xTaskbarFontLeftBorder 24
xTaskbarFontRightBorder 4

If Color = 9
xTaskbarNormalFontColor 000000
xTaskbarMinimizedFontColor 000000
xTaskbarActiveFontColor 000000
xTaskbarFontShadowColor FFFFFF
xTaskbarActiveFontShadowColor 909090
xTaskbarNormalFontColor 000000
xTaskbarMinimizedFontColor 000000
xTaskbarActiveFontColor FFFFFF
xTaskbarFlashingFontColor FFFFFF
xTaskbarFontShadowColor FFFFFF
xTaskbarActiveFontShadowColor 000000
xTaskbarFlashingFontShadowColor 000000

xTaskbarButtonImage xtask.png
xTaskbarButtonImageRightEdge 1
xTaskbarActiveButtonImage "$scheme$\task4.png"
xTaskbarActiveButtonImageRightEdge 1
xTaskbarFlashingButtonImage "$scheme$\task4.png"
xTaskbarFlashingButtonRightEdge 1
xTaskbarShadowX 2
xTaskbarShadowY 2
xTaskBarOnLeftClickButton .select
xTaskBarOnMiddleClickButton .none
xTaskBarOnRightclickButton .menu

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Thread: xtaskbar problems
             Fri Aug 20 2004, 08:40AM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 64
In my opinion the implementation in 1.0.2 is not as good as in 1.0.1; regular explorer folders have icons, but special folders like Control Panel and even just 'Drive C' no longer show their custom icons. This is for English though. Just thought I'd mention.
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Thread: xtaskbar problems
             Fri Aug 20 2004, 01:15PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 84
I'm still working on a "working" Icon Extraction and with 1.0.3 I think i will get it
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Thread: xtaskbar problems
             Fri Aug 20 2004, 10:56PM

Registered Member #102
Joined: Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:28PM
posts 13
thanks andymon. your modules are the best. with the other taskbar modules i have problems that some applications freezes in the task. but yours runs perfectly. keep going on !
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Thread: xtaskbar problems
             Sun Aug 22 2004, 07:06PM

Registered Member #102
Joined: Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:28PM
posts 13
Thanks Andymon. The new version is perfect. No problems anymore with icons. only the autosize feature. there are still 2 or 3 pixels sometimes difference.
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