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Problem with hooking, hooked rabidvwm !?

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Thread: Problem with hooking, hooked rabidvwm !?
             Wed Aug 18 2004, 07:03PM

Registered Member #89
Joined Sat Jul 31 2004, 07:22PM
posts 12
I know...

well, I have a main label, that is the bar, in it I hooked other things (other labels, the xTaskbar,a label with the vTray hooked in...), then I made a label and I hooked rabidvwm-1.1.1 in it. That label (the "vwmlabel") I wanted to hook in the main label. So I got: rabidvwm-> hoked in vwmlabel-> hooked in barlabel.

Recycle!... and... bug

The bug is that the rabidvwm causes LS to use 99% of the cpu and to finally crash.

I checked my setting (whose are quite simple) and I can see nothig bad in them.

Also to be known that LSX and vTray are hooked the same way(module-> label-> label) and they work perfectly.

Can anyone test this, or tell me is it a known issue, or is there a solution (other than "not hooking module-> label-> label").

Thanks in advance
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Thread: Problem with hooking, hooked rabidvwm !?
             Wed Aug 18 2004, 10:14PM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 64
Well, that's how I currently have VTray, LSXCommand, LSSlider, a few labels, and RabidVWM, and it works fine.
vwmBox <- vwmInnerBox <- RabidVWM.

...and you are sure you have "VWMLoadInBox" in there, right?
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Thread: Problem with hooking, hooked rabidvwm !?
             Wed Aug 18 2004, 10:22PM

Registered Member #89
Joined: Sat Jul 31 2004, 07:22PM
posts 12
...and you are sure you have "VWMLoadInBox" in&nb
sp;there, right? 

Apsolutly... and the bug is
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Thread: Problem with hooking, hooked rabidvwm !?
             Fri Aug 20 2004, 05:49PM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 64
You jinxed me!
I broke my theme utterly and completely through different means, and now that I'm rebuilding it, I have problems! If I don't load rabidVWM into the inner label, all is fine. If I do, NLM and mzscript give errors starting up, quitting, and !recycle doesn't do right. Crap.
[ Edited Fri Aug 20 2004, 05:50PM ]
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Thread: Problem with hooking, hooked rabidvwm !?
             Fri Aug 20 2004, 10:45PM

Registered Member #89
Joined: Sat Jul 31 2004, 07:22PM
posts 12

But that takes off my doubts on my scripts...
Seems that rabidVWM dosen't like being hooked in multile level labels.

I have no clue...
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Thread: Problem with hooking, hooked rabidvwm !?
             Sat Aug 21 2004, 07:01AM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 64
Well, it was scripting dependencies that I broke my theme with. Trouble is, LS just closes, so I don't know which one broke it, as there's no errors .

I wonder what I did right before I broke my theme? Now I'm setting borders for the individual modules, but having multiple levels of labels was an elegant solution for all modules--and I had it working for four days w/ RabidVWM. *sigh*
Still better than using LSBox, though .
[ Edited Sat Aug 21 2004, 07:01AM ]
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