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XLabel Image in bottom of desktopicons

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Thread: XLabel Image in bottom of desktopicons
             Wed Aug 18 2004, 09:51PM

Registered Member #102
Joined Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:28PM
posts 13
I wanted to ask, if it is possible to set an Image with XLABEL in bottom of the desktop icons (iconsdesk) . I wanted to make something like a black transparent background.

These are thesettings i use at the moment:

*Label desktopbg

desktopbgWidth 120
desktopbgHeight $resolutiony$
desktopbgX -120
desktopbgY 0
desktopbgTransparencyMode fake
desktopbgSolidColors 00000
desktopbgAlphaTransparency 100

But with this settings the black transparent background is over the icons.
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Thread: XLabel Image in bottom of desktopicons
             Fri Aug 20 2004, 01:23PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 90
I don't know a real solution, but you can try to use the kidnap-0.2 module to "hook" the icondesk onto a xLabel.
Test it, if it really works OK, otherwise maybe impossible.
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