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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 05:57PM
Registered Member #48
Joined Wed Jun 09 2004, 07:15PM
posts 13
I am running xLabel-3.2.7 and I got the desktop emulation to work finally. During the course of my configuration of a script to hide or show the icons and remember states across recycle, I have somehow lost the system folders. "My Computer","My Documnets", and so on.
I have pasted excerpts from my config below, sorry for the text wrapping.
Here is my theme.rc:
xLabelUsexDesktop true
xDesktopAutoCreate true
xDesktopConfigFile "$ConfigDir$desktopicons.rc"
include "$ConfigDir$desktopicons.rc"

Here is my desktopicons.rc:
xDesktopRememberPosition false
xDesktopX 16
xDesktopY 56
xDesktopDirection down
xDesktopWrapDirection right
xDesktopFont "trebuchet ms"
xDesktopFontHeight 16
xDesktopFontColor 220 216 208
xDesktopFontShadowColor 124 124 124
xDesktopFontShadowX 1
xDesktopFontShadowY 1
xDesktopSnapTo 16 56 10 10 5
xDesktopOnMiddleClick .properties
*xdesktopitem xldi01 136 246 "C:\documents and Settings\phale\Desktop\Compose Email.url"
*xdesktopitem xldi02 663 246 "C:\documents and Settings\phale\Desktop\PRP blank for 2004.doc"
*xdesktopitem xldi03 564 242 "C:\documents and Settings\phale\Desktop\Publisher Compensation.lnk"
*xdesktopitem xldi04 482 247 "C:\documents and Settings\phale\Desktop\ReLuna"
*xdesktopitem xldi05 392 248 "C:\documents and Settings\phale\Desktop\Reluna Screen.jpg"
*xdesktopitem xldi06 306 246 "C:\documents and Settings\phale\Desktop\Thumbs.db"
*xdesktopitem xldi07 230 246 "C:\documents and Settings\phale\Desktop\To Take Home"

Here is part of my themevars.rc
xDesktopStartHidden "false"

Here is my popuptheme.rc:
if xDesktopStartHidden = false
*Popup "Hide &Desktop Icons" !execute [!xTextSaveEvar @$ConfigDir$\themevars.rc@ @xDesktopStartHidden@ @true@][!xDesktopHide][!reload][!NetReloadModule $popupmodule$]
*Popup "Show &Desktop Icons" !execute [!xTextSaveEvar @$ConfigDir$\themevars.rc@ @xDesktopStartHidden@ @false@][!xDesktopShow][!reload][!NetReloadModule $popupmodule$]

I know that is a lot, but I wanted to give you everything. I did have all the icons in the beginning, but I don't remember the course of events or exactly when the dissappeared. For some reason the icons all stacked on top of each other and I finally spaced them out and that is when I noticed them gone.

Any help appreciated.
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 06:50PM
Registered Member #180
Joined: Tue Oct 26 2004, 08:31PM
posts 9
Well.... I have my xDesktop settings done lot different than you do.

In the config.rc I have my font items and settings and then I have a desk.rc that all of my desktopitem entries are in. I have mine set to remember position after I drag the icons around (which you don't). Akso looking at your config there... You don't have the desktopitems listed for those folders which is why you don't see them.
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 07:05PM
Registered Member #48
Joined: Wed Jun 09 2004, 07:15PM
posts 13
I thought that the autocreate would do that for me. I did have tose folders in the beginning, but they are gone now. Since I never had them there in the beginning, how do I get them there to appear now?
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 08:44PM

Registered Member #22
Joined: Thu May 06 2004, 08:32AM
posts 78
There's a bang to recreate the desktop.

Shoot I can't think of it offhand... read the docs
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 09:24PM
Registered Member #48
Joined: Wed Jun 09 2004, 07:15PM
posts 13
I have the desktop created, just not with all folders/files appearing. I have tried many of the bang commands and the best I can do is basicall refresh or reload the icons I currently have. That one was:

!xDesktopCreate update "$desktop$"
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 09:29PM
Registered Member #48
Joined: Wed Jun 09 2004, 07:15PM
posts 13
sh*t, sh*t, sh*t...I found it.

!xDesktopCreate update ".desktop"

There is a period in front of the desktop and not the $. I must have misread the docs.

That appears to have fixed it. We'll see after I tinker some more.
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Tue Nov 23 2004, 01:09PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 225
Just a important hint:
With xLabel-3.2.8 all xModules and Shortcut2 Emulation will be removed from xLabel!!

So, if you want to keep your theme updated, better switch already to the standalone modules!
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Tue Nov 23 2004, 01:41PM
Registered Member #48
Joined: Wed Jun 09 2004, 07:15PM
posts 13
WHAT?!?! Why? I thought you liked having all of them together.
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Wed Nov 24 2004, 01:04PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 225
Yeah, but since i will stop the feature implementation with 3.3, i cleanup the code, so that other people will be able to understand it at all.
And since the standalone xModules are 100% the same it's just a NetLoadmodule line instead of a xLabelUse.. Line
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Wed Nov 24 2004, 01:27PM
Registered Member #48
Joined: Wed Jun 09 2004, 07:15PM
posts 13
Does the memory usage stay the same? Plus I thought that the modulaes shared so much of the same code that it was just easier to make it all one module.
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Thread: Desktop Icons not fully working. Has to be my fault...
             Wed Nov 24 2004, 05:02PM

posts 81
that's true that all xModules share the same code, but, as expected, the more features a module has, bug fixeing is more hard (fixed one, another bug grows), more easier to concentrate on one part (desktop, label) then on all.
another part is, that it would be easier if the (for example) painting routines would be in the core, so, ever other module could have AlphaTransparency and solid colors too (would be very nice imho). so it doesn't care at all if it's one or a hundret modules

the mem usage.... erm... dunno *lol*

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   on 21 Nov : 22:51
Thanks GothsSecret. Couldn't understand why it wasn't working. Woo, Sort rocks!

   on 21 Nov : 18:23
there is a Readme mistake in xTaskbar, it issn't called
the right syntax is:

   on 20 Nov : 02:05
Besides the fact that anyone who read that request's first instinct is to just shout RTFM! and nothin else

   on 17 Nov : 23:45
sorry, but your request is a little unclear. moreover you can't expect people to help you if you just throw in one line... say what you want more specifically, and what you've achived/tried so far.

   on 17 Nov : 22:34
Yup... very helpful people around here!

   on 16 Nov : 18:27
Pease help me. How do i make toolbar with xpopup. Like windows own shell have.

   on 12 Nov : 22:26

   on 12 Nov : 17:42
if you want transparency in 9x use lstransparent.

   on 12 Nov : 09:04
does anyone know if xpopup transparency will work on win9x ??

   on 11 Nov : 23:26
Is it just me or do the bars in the poll results only look like slivers? Im using Firefox btw

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