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iRalf: I'd love a basic contro[more]

iRalf on 05 Dec : 00:00
xCommand would be nice too, le[more]

Manic on 04 Dec : 23:26
You're right of course... jus[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:47
Ya that would deffinately be t[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:33
Oh that really works? hmm. I[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:31
Handling the windows system tr[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:25
Ya i guess that makes since. A[more]

Manic on 04 Dec : 19:04
I know... the systray may be d[more]

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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> xpopup 1.0.9 question
xpopup 1.0.9 question
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Fri Nov 19 2004, 04:13PM
Registered Member #159
Joined Fri Oct 08 2004, 03:41PM
posts 3
Is it possible to define a maximum popup hight for all popup entries to be displayed in, and then scroll through them?

For example, say I have a 128x256 popup background, Could I force that size regardless of popup entries, and then scroll through any entries that don't fit within that 128x256 area?
[ Edited ]
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Fri Nov 19 2004, 08:45PM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 168
MaxHeight INT
Sets the maximum vertical size of the Popup. This must be an absolute value.

...that should do it.
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 03:52AM
Registered Member #165
Joined: Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
posts 28
i have a question as well. Im using a rather simple setup ATM but im having trouble figuring out one thing.
Im using a gradient backroung and it looks good, but I want to have a simple black line separating the caption at the top from the rest of the popup, but i cant figure out how. Is it possible to use like a xpopupTitlesolidcolor thing or what? Anyone know?

Heres my current code just incase you want to see it but you shouldn't need to:
*NetLoadModule xpopup-1.0.9
xPopupCompatibilityMode TRUE
xPopupAutoMenuBreak TRUE
xPopupMinEntryWidth 100
xPopupMaxEntryWidth 200
xPopupDefaultIcon "$MiscDir$file.ico"
xPopupFolderIcon "$MiscDir$folder.ico"
xPopupShowCaption .top
xPopupTopBorder 17
xPopupLeftBorder 1
xPopupRightBorder 1
xPopupBottomBorder 1
xPopupSolidColors 969DA9 000000 000000
xPopupSolidBevelSize 1
xPopupSolidGradientColors 5F6C80
xPopupTitleSolidColors FFFF00 000000 000000
xPopupTitleSolidBevelSize 1
xPopupArrowImage arrow.png
xPopupArrowOffset 3
xPopupSeparatorHeight 1
xpopupSeparatorSolidColors 000000
xPopupActiveEntryImage popupsel.png
xPopupActiveEntryImageLeftEdge 1
xPopupActiveEntryImageRightEdge 1
xPopupActiveEntryImageTopEdge 1
xPopupActiveEntryImageBottomEdge 1
xPopupEntryIconX 4
xPopupEntryFont "Arial"
xPopupEntryFontHeight 16
xPopupEntryFontLeftBorder 22
xPopupEntryFontRightBorder 12
xPopupOnDrop "Shortcut"
xPopupPinnedPopupNotOnTop FALSE
xPopupWorkArea 0 -0 0 -30
xPopupRestrictToWorkArea TRUE
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 04:00AM
Registered Member #165
Joined: Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
posts 28
While im at it, i think this is a bug:

xPopupMaxWidth 200


It seems to resize the popup to fit the caption even though it is above the maxwidth

BTW im using xpopup 1.0.9
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 01:02PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 226
Maybe a bug, i check the Title.
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 04:32PM

Registered Member #5
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 12:30AM
posts 99
arrowtext seems to be broken in terms of that i can't get it to take place at the right border. it always stays left.
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 04:39PM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 168
IIRC, you have to align it like other text.
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Mon Nov 22 2004, 06:15PM

Registered Member #5
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 12:30AM
posts 99
thanks, that's probably it.
i just can't try as i fucked up my theme
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Tue Nov 23 2004, 06:38AM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 168
Yeah, I know that feeling...I have four themes that I want to get out, but I just can't seem to go from nothing to completion like I should. Each gets 90% of the way there, then BOOM! Of course my GPA not doing so great probably isn't helping me think clearly, either
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Wed Nov 24 2004, 01:14AM

Registered Member #5
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 12:30AM
posts 99
at least you've put some themes out...
i'm looking forward on coming to this point, too ... maybe at the end of december ( )... if just mzscript wouldn't have those damn litte bastard bugs

p.s.: erm, sorry, but what is a GPA?
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Thread: xpopup 1.0.9 question
             Wed Nov 24 2004, 01:40AM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 168
Some themes...less than 1/20, and I can look at the most recent (Hymn 43 2.2.1) and see horrid design problems. But I need to finish a complete package.

GPA - grade point average.
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   on 21 Nov : 22:51
Thanks GothsSecret. Couldn't understand why it wasn't working. Woo, Sort rocks!

   on 21 Nov : 18:23
there is a Readme mistake in xTaskbar, it issn't called
the right syntax is:

   on 20 Nov : 02:05
Besides the fact that anyone who read that request's first instinct is to just shout RTFM! and nothin else

   on 17 Nov : 23:45
sorry, but your request is a little unclear. moreover you can't expect people to help you if you just throw in one line... say what you want more specifically, and what you've achived/tried so far.

   on 17 Nov : 22:34
Yup... very helpful people around here!

   on 16 Nov : 18:27
Pease help me. How do i make toolbar with xpopup. Like windows own shell have.

   on 12 Nov : 22:26

   on 12 Nov : 17:42
if you want transparency in 9x use lstransparent.

   on 12 Nov : 09:04
does anyone know if xpopup transparency will work on win9x ??

   on 11 Nov : 23:26
Is it just me or do the bars in the poll results only look like slivers? Im using Firefox btw

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