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Cerbie on 05 Dec : 01:23
iRalf: I'd love a basic contro[more]

iRalf on 05 Dec : 00:00
xCommand would be nice too, le[more]

Manic on 04 Dec : 23:26
You're right of course... jus[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:47
Ya that would deffinately be t[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:33
Oh that really works? hmm. I[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:31
Handling the windows system tr[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:25
Ya i guess that makes since. A[more]

Manic on 04 Dec : 19:04
I know... the systray may be d[more]

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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> Suggestion (xSystray?)
Suggestion (xSystray?)
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Thread: Suggestion (xSystray?)
             Thu Dec 02 2004, 09:13PM
Registered Member #218
Joined Wed Dec 01 2004, 04:15AM
posts 4
Hey fellas, me again...
I know you have a lot on your plate, what with 3 modules and all, but I had a bit of an idea. What about an xSysTray? Now, I'm clueless when it comes to coding, but I'd think you could possibly take xTaskbar and switch it over to looking at the systray icons instead, and strip out the text-display code... That way we can have our cake, and eat it too! Well, it's probably not that simple, but still, a systray module from Andymon could be nothing but awesome.

Stuff like my previous post, which was sort-of cured by fake transparency -When I maximize my windows I was hoping the icons would show the tops over the bottom of the window, didn't realize fake transparency turns Magic Pink into the background... neat feature, but doesn't quite work for what I was needing- could be cured by alphatransparency instead. This could be sweet!

edit- ooh, you could even leave the text display in and add possibility for a clock (which, upon mouseover, would display the date)...
[ Edited ]
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Thread: Suggestion (xSystray?)
             Sat Dec 04 2004, 07:29AM

I don't think display would be the problem. Updating the systray icons, animating them, and getting proper mouse actions to work is a bit odd with some older modules and other shells. No way it'd be that way if it weren't cifficult to do.

On the clock bit...xLabel can take care of that right now.
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Thread: Suggestion (xSystray?)
             Sat Dec 04 2004, 07:04PM
Registered Member #218
Joined: Wed Dec 01 2004, 04:15AM
posts 4
I know... the systray may be difficult, good point... and I'm aware that labels can already handle the clock... but said modules weren't based out of already-stable code. This would be.
Perhaps even adding a bit into xtaskbar would work. perhaps a xTaskbarType "systray" which defaults to tasks, but if added would display?
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Thread: Suggestion (xSystray?)
             Sat Dec 04 2004, 10:31PM
Registered Member #165
Joined: Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
posts 28
Handling the windows system tray and active tasks is completely different. All the visuals would prolly not to be hard to implement considering all the xmodules are running the same code for it, but you cant just add system tray functionality to an existing module. But I think if AndyMon has time after finishing his current projocts, he will continue to rewrite all of the modules as xmodules.
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Thread: Suggestion (xSystray?)
             Sat Dec 04 2004, 11:26PM
Registered Member #218
Joined: Wed Dec 01 2004, 04:15AM
posts 4
You're right of course... just tossing ideas out there(mostly because of the fits vtray is giving me right now).
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Thread: Suggestion (xSystray?)
             Sun Dec 05 2004, 12:00AM
Registered Member #116
Joined: Thu Aug 26 2004, 12:30AM
posts 38
xCommand would be nice too, less hooking issues, and alphatransparency support

vtray and lsxcommand are nice and do their job... but they lack the x factor
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Thread: Suggestion (xSystray?)
             Sun Dec 05 2004, 01:23AM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 168
iRalf: I'd love a basic controls module, too. Maybe be able to mimic a new command line w/ a text field, FI.

Nice pun, too
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   on 21 Nov : 22:51
Thanks GothsSecret. Couldn't understand why it wasn't working. Woo, Sort rocks!

   on 21 Nov : 18:23
there is a Readme mistake in xTaskbar, it issn't called
the right syntax is:

   on 20 Nov : 02:05
Besides the fact that anyone who read that request's first instinct is to just shout RTFM! and nothin else

   on 17 Nov : 23:45
sorry, but your request is a little unclear. moreover you can't expect people to help you if you just throw in one line... say what you want more specifically, and what you've achived/tried so far.

   on 17 Nov : 22:34
Yup... very helpful people around here!

   on 16 Nov : 18:27
Pease help me. How do i make toolbar with xpopup. Like windows own shell have.

   on 12 Nov : 22:26

   on 12 Nov : 17:42
if you want transparency in 9x use lstransparent.

   on 12 Nov : 09:04
does anyone know if xpopup transparency will work on win9x ??

   on 11 Nov : 23:26
Is it just me or do the bars in the poll results only look like slivers? Im using Firefox btw

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