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Mear|in on 27 Dec : 05:41
mmm Xstep, I'm soo up for that[more]

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That's too bad you can't get i[more]

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I'm working on separating it[more]

Xaenn on 27 Dec : 04:22
Seems to be quite a cool theme[more]

Cerbie on 27 Dec : 00:43
(that was Cerbie...I guess it [more]

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At Stained Glass[more]

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Forums -> Modules -> Re: Suggestion (xSystray?)
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Posted: Thu Dec 02 2004, 09:13PM
Hey fellas, me again...
I know you have a lot on your plate, what with 3 modules and all, but I had a bit of an idea. What about an xSysTray? Now, I'm clueless when it comes to coding, but I'd think you could possibly take xTaskbar and switch it over to looking at the systray icons instead, and strip out the text-display code... That way we can have our cake, and eat it too! Well, it's probably not that simple, but still, a systray module from Andymon could be nothing but awesome.

Stuff like my previous post, which was sort-of cured by fake transparency -When I maximize my windows I was hoping the icons would show the tops over the bottom of the window, didn't realize fake transparency turns Magic Pink into the background... neat feature, but doesn't quite work for what I was needing- could be cured by alphatransparency instead. This could be sweet!

edit- ooh, you could even leave the text display in and add possibility for a clock (which, upon mouseover, would display the date)...
[ Edited ]

Latest 10 replies
Posted: Sun Dec 12 2004, 07:25AM
My bad. Forgot to log in... that was me above.
Posted: Sun Dec 12 2004, 07:18AM
I believe we were aware of that GothsSecret, just showing that we'd be willing to, if that's what it took.
Posted: Sun Dec 12 2004, 12:28AM
no way man, noone wants you all to pay, this was just a bloody joke
Posted: Sat Dec 11 2004, 11:32PM
Christmas is pretty hard on me, but I suppose $5 from my pocket in January wouldn't kill me.
Posted: Sat Dec 11 2004, 07:26PM
If i had a way to send you 5 dollars i would do it in a heart beat. However, i dont... thats my fault though.
Posted: Sat Dec 11 2004, 01:18PM
Well, as i probably said i cannot handle the systray
So an xSystray won't come, simply write Vendicator to update his vTray, this would be the easiest way.
Or all members pay me a Dollar in a month and i'll do it
Posted: Sat Dec 11 2004, 12:46PM
To come back to the subject, I vould love too an xSystray that vould have the resizing/repositioning like xLabel/xTaskbar (with animation).
But specially, a systray that would finally remember the icons after a Litestep restart.
And alphatransparency
ANd no bug
Posted: Thu Dec 09 2004, 01:05PM
Just a teaser:
A very, very, very simple TextEdit function will be added to xLabel!
Just Bang Execution and LabelText Editing, without any pretty extras.
Posted: Wed Dec 08 2004, 10:33PM
Ya, i didn't really mean without bands. I just ment that there is no way to do like !commandbox that allows passing of info. Seems like this would be a nice thing to add in mzscript. Similar to the %{"Question" "Yes "No"} thing. I wish i knew how to write modules. All that OS interaction is way over my head though.
Posted: Wed Dec 08 2004, 04:38AM
!bangs would still be involved, there. either hitting enter, or having a button cause the same effect throguh a bang, and a specified bang would go off, with the contents as an escape code.
Review complete thread. (Will open a new window.)


   on 24 Dec : 07:22
Note to website editor:
Think you could allow tabs/spaces in code blocks in the forum? It makes it so much easier to read.

   on 24 Dec : 01:06
none would be the same as plain white.

   on 23 Dec : 17:08
what do you think about LS Installer build on GHOST theme?

   on 21 Dec : 19:27
what abou none?

   on 15 Dec : 12:58
Either "ugly" 3DBorders or plain White, you have the choice
Help is also welcome.

   on 14 Dec : 06:34
So true muhKuh, skinning 'em with some solidcolors wouldn't hurt
Cool feature nonetheless

   on 13 Dec : 22:54
hmmm, but do they have to have these ugly 3D borders? i hope not o,0

   on 13 Dec : 22:47
wow, an editbox ... ultimate coolness!!!

   on 13 Dec : 04:55
It's because you bumped the link off

   on 12 Dec : 02:05
oh... nm lol. just had to post and it fixed it. odd

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