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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> xLabel 3.2.8 thread
xLabel 3.2.8 thread
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Fri Nov 26 2004, 12:56AM
Registered Member #165
Joined Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
posts 28
Found a bug:

!LabelGhosted (labelgroup) (true|on, false|off or toggle|switch)
is not working.
i also tried changing the variable with !LabelRefresh but that doesn't seem to work either.

it also doesn't work with just a single label so its not the grouping part thats messed up.
[ Edited ]
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Fri Nov 26 2004, 10:43AM

Registered Member #198
Joined: Fri Nov 05 2004, 04:07PM
posts 30
Strange, ghosting bangs seem to be working perfectly fine for me.
Changing ghosting by !labelrefresh was disabled some time ago if I remember right.

As for other bugs: It seems that some programs and jdesk are treating xlabels labels like normal windows. It's funny when an Alt-Tab replacement wants to switch to Litestep, but when programs, that are supposed to move, size or minimize normal windows, do that to labels, problems occur...

The ultimate purpose of Time is to be late.
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Fri Nov 26 2004, 10:26PM
Registered Member #165
Joined: Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
posts 28
hmm ok ill do some more expiramenting, must be my implementation. Thanks.

Also, I am having a problem with my Amp Display text stopping scrolling in 3.2.8. I haven't been able to figure out what trigers it, but everyonce in a while i will look down and it will no longer be scrolling. I have to recycle to get a to scroll again. I'll keep trying to figure out why this is happening, but if anyone else is having this problem plz elaborate.

Ok I just relized when this is happening. Every other time I recycle, the scrolling text freezes. So if i recycle again it will move again, but another recycle freezes it. Dunno what could be causing this but there you have it.
[ Edited Fri Nov 26 2004, 10:29PM ]
[ Edited Fri Nov 26 2004, 10:30PM ]
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Fri Nov 26 2004, 10:54PM

Registered Member #198
Joined: Fri Nov 05 2004, 04:07PM
posts 30
Now that you metion it: I have had the same problem with my amp label.

The ultimate purpose of Time is to be late.
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Fri Nov 26 2004, 11:09PM
Registered Member #165
Joined: Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
posts 28
Ok the ghosting bang is still not working... what am i doing wrong.

I tried it the most simple way i could think

*Label Menu
MenuImage Menu.png
MenuHoverImage Menuover.png
MenuHeight 30
MenuWidth 10
MenuX 0
MenuY -30
MenuToolTip "Menu"
MenuOnLeftClick !Popup 0 -30
MenuOnRightClick !None
MenuAddToGroup Parent

Then I set up a hotkey:
*Hotkey CTRL+ALT E !LabelGhosted Menu "true"

and refresh and run it and it doesn't work.

However if i add

MenuGhosted true

to theme.rc, it IS ghosted..... What the hell is going on?
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Sat Nov 27 2004, 12:01AM

Registered Member #191
Joined: Tue Nov 02 2004, 11:26PM
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im having a problem with, or perhaps i dont understand the correct usage of [xlabel]AutoHeightMode.

the effect i am looking for can be achieved with:
!labelreposition testL $testLcurrentx$ $testLcurrenty-100$ $testLcurrentwidth$ $testLcurrentheight+100$ 100 5

so i resize the label but maintain its baseline (all the extra height is added to the top)

reading the docs i think i should be able to achieve the same result by setting:

testLAutoHeightMode "bottom"

and then executing

!LabelResize testL $testLCurrentWidth$ $TestLCurrentHeight+100$ 100 5

but this results in extending the label at the bottom.

anyone know where im going wrong?
thanks, tt.
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Sat Nov 27 2004, 12:21AM

Registered Member #198
Joined: Fri Nov 05 2004, 04:07PM
posts 30
Ghosting doesn't work without alphatransparency (or at least isn't supposed to.)
Ghosting with the configuration you posted didn't work for me, but started working as soon as I made it alphatransparent, so better try that.
(if you're on win9x, there's nothing you can do... )

The autoheightmode is supposed to make a label resize according to text so that it fitts in it. It has nothing to do with resizing stuff manually, so better stick to the first bang you had in your post.

edit: poor old spelling...
[ Edited Sat Nov 27 2004, 12:25AM ]

The ultimate purpose of Time is to be late.
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Sat Nov 27 2004, 07:20AM

Registered Member #191
Joined: Tue Nov 02 2004, 11:26PM
posts 8
ah, ok.
thanks for that - glad i now know what that one does. I have a feeling it'll come in handy soon.
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Sat Nov 27 2004, 08:25AM
Registered Member #165
Joined: Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
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"Ghosting doesn't work without alphatransparency (or at least isn't supposed to.) "

Really? hmm... well thats odd. I dont see a reason to limit it to only alphatransparent labels. I can think of numerous ways in which I would want a ghosted label that isnt alphatransparent.

But oh well, thanks for the info, If i just add to the bang [!LabelSetAlpha Menu 255] before, it works like a charm.
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Sat Nov 27 2004, 12:26PM

Registered Member #198
Joined: Fri Nov 05 2004, 04:07PM
posts 30
Well it is really odd. I cant understand it either, but In the changes section of the xlabel readme it says it broke alwaysontop when used without alphatransparency. Go figure...

The ultimate purpose of Time is to be late.
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Thread: xLabel 3.2.8 thread
             Sun Nov 28 2004, 02:24AM
Registered Member #165
Joined: Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
posts 28
Hmm ok im having some problems with moving hooked labels. Im not sure if htis is my fault or not but, since it seems to work fine moving xtaskbar i think it may be a bug.

Here is the script im using:

*script exec !LabelRepositionBy Bar 0 -10 0 10
*script exec !LabelResizeBy Parent 0 10
*script exec !RainmeterMove 0 10
*script exec !VWMMove 0 10
*script exec !xTaskbarMove 0 10
*script exec !LabelReposition Child 0 10 0 0

and that last line makes all of the Child labels disappear. If i take it out, everything is fine. I can even change it to a resize and there are no problems, but it doesn't let me move it. I tried setting up the labels have movable, and you can move them fine like that, but using the bang makes them disappear (as does reposition since it moves them also). Moveby also makes them disappear.

Any ideas
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   on 21 Nov : 22:51
Thanks GothsSecret. Couldn't understand why it wasn't working. Woo, Sort rocks!

   on 21 Nov : 18:23
there is a Readme mistake in xTaskbar, it issn't called
the right syntax is:

   on 20 Nov : 02:05
Besides the fact that anyone who read that request's first instinct is to just shout RTFM! and nothin else

   on 17 Nov : 23:45
sorry, but your request is a little unclear. moreover you can't expect people to help you if you just throw in one line... say what you want more specifically, and what you've achived/tried so far.

   on 17 Nov : 22:34
Yup... very helpful people around here!

   on 16 Nov : 18:27
Pease help me. How do i make toolbar with xpopup. Like windows own shell have.

   on 12 Nov : 22:26

   on 12 Nov : 17:42
if you want transparency in 9x use lstransparent.

   on 12 Nov : 09:04
does anyone know if xpopup transparency will work on win9x ??

   on 11 Nov : 23:26
Is it just me or do the bars in the poll results only look like slivers? Im using Firefox btw

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