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Andymon on 05 Dec : 13:35
Sorry, just looked at the code[more]

Andymon on 05 Dec : 13:25
Maybe an XP problem (i have Wi[more]

Cerbie on 05 Dec : 01:23
iRalf: I'd love a basic contro[more]

iRalf on 05 Dec : 00:00
xCommand would be nice too, le[more]

Manic on 04 Dec : 23:26
You're right of course... jus[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:47
Ya that would deffinately be t[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:33
Oh that really works? hmm. I[more]

SMaddox on 04 Dec : 22:31
Handling the windows system tr[more]

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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> xTaskbar 1.2.3 icon hue and saturation settings
xTaskbar 1.2.3 icon hue and saturation settings
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Thread: xTaskbar 1.2.3 icon hue and saturation settings
             Sat Dec 04 2004, 07:10AM

Going from xTaskbar 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 I find that all my hue-adjusted icons look really weird. At iconhueintensity 0 I get no effect, but I get a significant and weird effect at iconhueintensity 1, and at iconhueintensity 255, the icon is entirely the huecolor. Previously only the icon's hue was modified, not its intensity. Were there supposed to be any changes?

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Thread: xTaskbar 1.2.3 icon hue and saturation settings
             Sun Dec 05 2004, 01:25PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 228
Maybe an XP problem (i have Win2000), but with HueIntensity 255 you'll get a full colored image, that was always so.
Maybe you should also set SaturationIntensity to 0, that might be your problem!?
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   on 21 Nov : 22:51
Thanks GothsSecret. Couldn't understand why it wasn't working. Woo, Sort rocks!

   on 21 Nov : 18:23
there is a Readme mistake in xTaskbar, it issn't called
the right syntax is:

   on 20 Nov : 02:05
Besides the fact that anyone who read that request's first instinct is to just shout RTFM! and nothin else

   on 17 Nov : 23:45
sorry, but your request is a little unclear. moreover you can't expect people to help you if you just throw in one line... say what you want more specifically, and what you've achived/tried so far.

   on 17 Nov : 22:34
Yup... very helpful people around here!

   on 16 Nov : 18:27
Pease help me. How do i make toolbar with xpopup. Like windows own shell have.

   on 12 Nov : 22:26

   on 12 Nov : 17:42
if you want transparency in 9x use lstransparent.

   on 12 Nov : 09:04
does anyone know if xpopup transparency will work on win9x ??

   on 11 Nov : 23:26
Is it just me or do the bars in the poll results only look like slivers? Im using Firefox btw

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