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Anonymous on 26 Dec : 10:34
well.. found a workaround.. [more]

Cerbie on 25 Dec : 21:34
FOr that, you can't. On the br[more]

SMaddox on 25 Dec : 20:56
its either an option on rabidv[more]

Egonz on 25 Dec : 19:39
Am I right if I say that it's [more]

Xaenn on 25 Dec : 05:38
*popup "Tasks" !new !popuptask[more]

Andymon on 24 Dec : 13:30
deltax contains the difference[more]

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Forums -> Modules -> Re: xpopup 1.0.9 question
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Posted: Fri Nov 19 2004, 04:13PM
Is it possible to define a maximum popup hight for all popup entries to be displayed in, and then scroll through them?

For example, say I have a 128x256 popup background, Could I force that size regardless of popup entries, and then scroll through any entries that don't fit within that 128x256 area?
[ Edited ]

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Posted: Sun Dec 05 2004, 01:35PM
Sorry, just looked at the code again and you're right I call a reload internally, so it won't work
That's a point to fix for 1.1.
Posted: Sat Dec 04 2004, 10:33PM
Oh that really works? hmm. I guess I should have tried before speaking up. I saw that in the readme but it also said something about calling a !refresh which would clear out all !setevar calls. Maybe I just misunderstood it though. Thanks again.

I'm still waiting for popups as submenus .

Ya that would be nice.
[ Edited Sat Dec 04 2004, 10:35PM ]
Posted: Sat Dec 04 2004, 01:25PM
The whole thing is already interactive, just setup your new or Added settings with xlabels !setevar and after finishing simply call a !(x)popuprescan.
Done! Quite easy isn't it?
Posted: Sat Dec 04 2004, 07:32AM
I'm still waiting for popups as submenus .

And yes, anything should be possible. ANYTHING. One day we'll get a LISP dialect (with some GUI stuff added) just for Litestep, and taunt newbies with it!
Posted: Fri Dec 03 2004, 06:39AM
I know your going to hate me for this, but do you think you could add a set work area bang? Or if there is already a way to change it on the fly plz tell me.

I kinda wish there was a way to dynamicly add popups, like the way you can add labels without refreshing.

I dunno maybe its just me, im just getting into this whole scripting thing and i am starting to think everything should be possible with bangs.

Oh well, I will just shut up.
[ Edited Sat Dec 04 2004, 05:40AM ]
Posted: Wed Nov 24 2004, 01:40AM
Some themes...less than 1/20, and I can look at the most recent (Hymn 43 2.2.1) and see horrid design problems. But I need to finish a complete package.

GPA - grade point average.
Posted: Wed Nov 24 2004, 01:14AM
at least you've put some themes out...
i'm looking forward on coming to this point, too ... maybe at the end of december ( )... if just mzscript wouldn't have those damn litte bastard bugs

p.s.: erm, sorry, but what is a GPA?
Posted: Tue Nov 23 2004, 06:38AM
Yeah, I know that feeling...I have four themes that I want to get out, but I just can't seem to go from nothing to completion like I should. Each gets 90% of the way there, then BOOM! Of course my GPA not doing so great probably isn't helping me think clearly, either
Posted: Mon Nov 22 2004, 06:15PM
thanks, that's probably it.
i just can't try as i fucked up my theme
Posted: Mon Nov 22 2004, 04:39PM
IIRC, you have to align it like other text.
Review complete thread. (Will open a new window.)


   on 24 Dec : 07:22
Note to website editor:
Think you could allow tabs/spaces in code blocks in the forum? It makes it so much easier to read.

   on 24 Dec : 01:06
none would be the same as plain white.

   on 23 Dec : 17:08
what do you think about LS Installer build on GHOST theme?

   on 21 Dec : 19:27
what abou none?

   on 15 Dec : 12:58
Either "ugly" 3DBorders or plain White, you have the choice
Help is also welcome.

   on 14 Dec : 06:34
So true muhKuh, skinning 'em with some solidcolors wouldn't hurt
Cool feature nonetheless

   on 13 Dec : 22:54
hmmm, but do they have to have these ugly 3D borders? i hope not o,0

   on 13 Dec : 22:47
wow, an editbox ... ultimate coolness!!!

   on 13 Dec : 04:55
It's because you bumped the link off

   on 12 Dec : 02:05
oh... nm lol. just had to post and it fixed it. odd

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