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Andymon on 28 Dec : 13:10
Ok, as GothsSecret has alrea[more]

Anonymous on 28 Dec : 11:27
This is my problem as well. I [more]

weeyum on 27 Dec : 20:01
xStep... that's a very excitin[more]

Mear|in on 27 Dec : 05:41
mmm Xstep, I'm soo up for that[more]

Xaenn on 27 Dec : 05:32
That's too bad you can't get i[more]

Cerbie on 27 Dec : 04:27
I'm working on separating it[more]

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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> Another xtextedit problem
Another xtextedit problem
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Thread: Another xtextedit problem
             Wed Nov 24 2004, 06:15PM

Registered Member #198
Joined Fri Nov 05 2004, 04:07PM
posts 36
It seems like xtextedit has something against me:
Currently I can't get the !xTextReplaceAll bang to work as it should, if I for example call:
!xTextReplaceAll @C:\test.txt@ @a@ @test@
It replaces all those lines containing the letter a, but not with the "test" argument but with just empty lines

in effect it turns a file like this:
line1 "textline"
line2 "second line of text"
blah "blah"
sometext "text"

into this:

line1 "textline"
line2 "second line of text"

sometext "text"

I have checked everywhere and found no reason why it shouldn't work... Does that happen with anyone else?
[ Edited ]

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   on 28 Dec : 13:19

   on 24 Dec : 07:22
Note to website editor:
Think you could allow tabs/spaces in code blocks in the forum? It makes it so much easier to read.

   on 24 Dec : 01:06
none would be the same as plain white.

   on 23 Dec : 17:08
what do you think about LS Installer build on GHOST theme?

   on 21 Dec : 19:27
what abou none?

   on 15 Dec : 12:58
Either "ugly" 3DBorders or plain White, you have the choice
Help is also welcome.

   on 14 Dec : 06:34
So true muhKuh, skinning 'em with some solidcolors wouldn't hurt
Cool feature nonetheless

   on 13 Dec : 22:54
hmmm, but do they have to have these ugly 3D borders? i hope not o,0

   on 13 Dec : 22:47
wow, an editbox ... ultimate coolness!!!

   on 13 Dec : 04:55
It's because you bumped the link off

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