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Anonymous on 26 Oct : 20:30
If it's not too much trouble w[more]

GothsSecret on 26 Oct : 20:10
nowadays it is possible to lea[more]

Niza on 26 Oct : 20:08
Hi there! I have a few simple [more]

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I checked the c flag and for m[more]

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Is there a way to check and [more]

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xLabel-3.2 and xLabelLight-3.2 Released!!
Posted on Tuesday 12 October 2004 - 17:35:30 by GothsSecret
xLabel-3.2 Final
Finally I have enough of "Betas", therefore comes now xLabel-3.2 Final!
This by far doesn't mean that now all problems are fixed, but that's always so.

Just to enumerate some new features:
100% xTextEdit-0.1 Emulation
110% xDesktop-1.3 Emulation (Extra Features)
Smoother Moving.
AlphaMap Hooking support! (xLabel-3.2 and xTaskbar-1.1.5)
*(label-name)GhostImage x y Image.png #anhp (0-255)
Simply paints a Fixed Size Image onto the Label at the given position inside the label. THIS IS ONLY A IMAGE, LIKE THE BG ITSELF!
Fade out scrolling text at the sides of the label.
You can resize the labels On-The-Fly like normal windows.
*(label-name)Pos "Full Path" "x-coordinate" "y-coordinate" "width" "height"
If the following line is set, instead of (label-name)x, (label-name)y, ... then the current position and size of the label is automatically saved on Recycle.
Various Docking features.
Some enhanced Text Escape Sequences.
Many fixes.

So have fun with it now, Officially

Again for Module Developers:
To add AlphaMap Hooking Support to your Module do the following.

1. They MUST send a SendMessage(ParenthWnd, LM_EXTERNALDRAWNOTIFY, 0, 0) to their Parent, everytime AFTER something in their MODULE IMAGE has been changed!
2. They must process a incoming SendMessage with the following Values:
wParam: HDC ( acces with: HDC tmpDC = (HDC) wParam; )

Now they must paint their MODULE IMAGE into this HDC, with the correct x,y,width and height of the hooked module (inside the parent).


Grab xLabel-3.2 here
Grab xLabelLight-3.2 here

[ Read the rest ... ]



Acidfire   26 Oct : 20:40
Yay for the fun Chatbox

ElkMonster   26 Oct : 19:52

GothsSecret   26 Oct : 19:13
well now, just tried and the chatbox works *hope*

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