
Wouldn't it be a good idea to remove Shortcut2 Emulation from xLabel totally?

Damn, I love this crap, keep it

Huh? For what, kick this stuff

I don't give a *&$\ :D

Posted by: GothsSecret
Votes: 14
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singuin on 10 Nov : 18:24
hey, thanks for your replys [more]

iRalf on 10 Nov : 18:22
Before you go thinking 'oh no,[more]

sryo on 10 Nov : 17:22
but shortcut2 isnt moveable. w[more]

Andymon on 10 Nov : 13:33
My personal intention is to th[more]

Cerbie on 10 Nov : 09:45

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xLabel(Light)-3.2.6 Released!!
Posted on Sunday 17 October 2004 - 18:13:35 by GothsSecret
New Release of xLabel(Light)-3.2.6 due to Exported Position Evar BUG and ......

Nevertheless, the new version has some new extra features and some special fixes some might find very useful

Best Feature:
Vertical PerLine Scrolling!
In a small Label (Height) you can now use a scrolling Multiline Text, which will stop at each new line for a specific time and then scrolls till the next. Sounds cool, looks cool and can now be achieved with one line of settings and a little value tweaking

Best Fixes:
The whole stuff is now much better and smoother
Manually Resizing with ResizeBorder now perfectly tracks Min/Max Size, without the former problems.
TextFade now works also for AlphaMap and uses much less CPU (when scrolling).

So this should be considered as the real Final 3.2 (I was just a few day to early )!

P.S.: I habe a request to all Forum Users
Please mention always the version of the Module, if you post something like
"xPopup Bug", "xTaskbar doesn't work", ...
So something like
"xPopup-1.0.5 Bug" is much more interesting then "xPopup-0.9.8 Bug", cause not all users are always at the newest version. (Maybe my fault, because i update so often )


Grab xLabel-3.2.6 here

Grab xLabelLight-3.2.6 here


xLabel(Light)-3.2.6 Released on 17-10-2004, Changes by Andymon

- Fixed: Text on AlphaMapped Labels, WITHOUT Textfade enabled, was broken.
- Fixed: TextFade Top/BottomBorders were switched and therefore

xLabel(Light)-3.2.5 Released on 16-10-2004, Changes by Andymon

- Added: Vertical Scrolling has now a Cool Feature!
(label-name)ScrollPerLine INITIAL STANDARD PAUSE
The vertical Scrolling can now stop for a custom time and scroll a defined height, before
it stops again. This allows you to get a Line per Line Scroll, which at stops each new line
for the defined duration.

INITIAL: Is needed to scroll till the text is aligned how the user wants it to be.
STANDARD: Is the standard scrollheight (ca. FontHeight+NewlineSpace)
PAUSE: Pause in Millisec for each line.

Example: A Short complete "testlabel", the 3 settings need to be tweaked by the users for their
label, by try and error! Essential is also to setup (label-name)scrollpad exactly!

*label testlabel
testlabelscrollperline 5 18 2000
testlabelscrollpad -4
testlabelx 100
testlabely 100
testlabelwidth 100
testlabelheight 20
testlabeltext "Line1\nLine2\nLine3\nLine4\nLine5"
testlabelscroll vertical
- Added: xDesktop Emulation:
xDesktopAlphaFade BOOL
If set, the DesktopIcons Fade In and Out on Show/Hide.
(They should not be covered on first Show as always with Alphatransparency!!)
- Added: xDesktop Emulation:
xDesktopNoActiveIconColor BOOL
If set the Active Icon don't get the Default Blueish overlay, best if someone wants to
use manually Hueing for Active Icons (see below).
- Added: xDesktop Emulation:
xDesktopActiveSaturationIntensity INT
Sets the Saturation of the Active DesktopIcon. Default is Normal SaturationIntensity.
- Added: xDesktop Emulation:
xDesktopActiveHueIntensity INT
Sets the HueIntensity of the Active DesktopIcon. Default is Normal HueIntensity.
- Added: xDesktop Emulation:
xDesktopActiveHueColor COLOR
Sets the HueColor of the Active DesktopIcon. Default is Normal HueColor.
- Changed: Bang: !labelshowhide (label-name) (timeout)
Works now in both directions, if label is visible it will be hidden for the timeout, if hidden
it will be shown for the timeout.
- Changed: [line('file', 'startline', 'endline')] accepts now a third value, which is the last extracted line!

Example: To extract the first 5 lines of a file use this:
[line('c:\test.txt', '1', '5')]
For a whole File, you can do this:
[line('c:\test.txt', '1', lineCount('c:\test.txt'))]
- Fixed: *(label-name)GhostImage wasn't painted on AlphaMapped Label correctly.
- Fixed: Reduced TextFade CPU Usage from up to 8% to 0-2% with scrolling enabled! Well, it's a dynamic Fade
- Fixed: (label-name)Textfade was a black label with AlphaMap enabled.
- Fixed: Exported Evars CurrentX and CurrentY were broken.
- Fixed: Links in Text react now much quicker and more correct on MouseOver then before.
- Fixed:
Links work now also in scrolling text to 100%
- Fixed: (label-name)HrefHoverConfig now only makes problems, if TWO (or more) 100% exactly the same Links are set.
More fixing isn't possible

Example: Now Working:
link 1 and
link 2

Not Working: link and
- Fixed: On Resizing with the ResizeBorder the AutoMin/Max Sizes are now kept visually correct.


   on 09 Nov : 10:54
hehe, tested now it seems that it runs perfect

   on 08 Nov : 21:42
Goths: you are testing with the real site-code again?

   on 07 Nov : 17:35
chatbox looks very cool, very nicely done!

   on 07 Nov : 15:27
ok, to all xLabel Desktop users, if you want to enable the desktop funtion, you need to set "xLabelUsexDesktop"!
!! else it couldn't work. sorry for forgetting to mention it in the readme *g* next time it will be in there

   on 02 Nov : 19:54
hehe doin my best

   on 01 Nov : 18:54

You guys never fail to entertain

   on 01 Nov : 15:47
oh.. sorry to those 2 online ppl, Just fucked up the site for a short mement

   on 01 Nov : 06:00
xPopup 1.0.8 ROCKS!

Juan Guillermo
   on 31 Oct : 23:46
Thanks a lot for your GREAT work guis , xmodules are transforming the Litestep shell in a much more fancy/varsatile thing.

   on 30 Oct : 16:44

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