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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Off Topic -> java module programming
java module programming
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Thread: java module programming
             Thu Nov 04 2004, 08:17PM

Registered Member #191
Joined Tue Nov 02 2004, 11:26PM
posts 13
as i mentioned in another thread i have been using LS for some time now, and have been customizing my desktop ever since. Until recently however, my customizations have been little more than hacking other peoples themes to my liking. In the past few weeks I have got into themeing from scratch, and really getting to grips with how some of the different modules work, and I have to say, it's been a LOT of fun.

Anyway, all this has led me onto wishing i could write some modules of my own. The problem is i am a java programmer with little knowledge of C or a C variant (not enough, i think, to attempt coding a module) and although there are some good guides to start module programming in C I am yet to find any relating to java.

So, thats my question. Does any one have any links to such resources? or can someone point me in the right direction to getting started.

I realise that java modules may not be of a lot of use to the majority of LS users out there, but they would be of great use to me (and possibly a few others), and if I ever do get around to learning a C variant (i've been talking about it for far too long ) i expect i could port anything i have written in java easier than attempting to learn a language and code a module at the same time.

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Thread: java module programming
             Sat Nov 06 2004, 09:02AM

posts 90
well, ls modules are developed in c++ and there is a very old tutorial around how to create. but as I said, it issn't up to date and it compling issn't possible in that way it is explained. so, how to complie ls can be found on , the official ls developer site. I have anywhere the tut on my server and I could link to it if you want, but .... it doesn't explain how to do stuff, only how to write a simple module with only one bang command.
I would prefer to have a look at the module sources itself and "steal" the things you need to create your own. That means, take a working module that can allready do most things you want to have and add/rewrite things to your own hearts. that's not that hard if you're allready programing language skilled (doesn't matter if java, c, c# c++ or even php).

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: java module programming
             Sat Nov 06 2004, 02:00PM

Registered Member #5
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 12:30AM
posts 102
also as far as i've had a look into it, java and c++ do not differ that much, so it's probably not that difficult to swap over here.
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Thread: java module programming
             Wed Nov 10 2004, 06:24PM

Registered Member #191
Joined: Tue Nov 02 2004, 11:26PM
posts 13
hey, thanks for your replys and sorry for my slow response - been away for a few days.

ok, so c++ it is. i wont let that put me off .. yet - it seems a good reason to finally get down to learning the beast anyway.

i have read the stuff over at lsdev and have been looking through the source of a few simpler modules, as well as some basic c++ tutorials - might as well actually learn something as i go as opposed to just hacking others work apart (altho im sure i'll do a lot of that to).

It may take a little while but i think you're right, esp. with knowledge of another language, i should be able to get somewhere with that.

now im wondering if there is any documentation anywhere detailing the available litestep and window messages.

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Thread: java module programming
             Mon Dec 20 2004, 03:08AM
Registered Member #165
Joined: Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
posts 53
Great compiler and IDE for c++:

And great c++ toutorials to get you switched over from java:
(this was infinately useful to me becuase it showed me all the differences from java)

and here are some links to other toutorials:
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   on 28 Dec : 13:19

   on 24 Dec : 07:22
Note to website editor:
Think you could allow tabs/spaces in code blocks in the forum? It makes it so much easier to read.

   on 24 Dec : 01:06
none would be the same as plain white.

   on 23 Dec : 17:08
what do you think about LS Installer build on GHOST theme?

   on 21 Dec : 19:27
what abou none?

   on 15 Dec : 12:58
Either "ugly" 3DBorders or plain White, you have the choice
Help is also welcome.

   on 14 Dec : 06:34
So true muhKuh, skinning 'em with some solidcolors wouldn't hurt
Cool feature nonetheless

   on 13 Dec : 22:54
hmmm, but do they have to have these ugly 3D borders? i hope not o,0

   on 13 Dec : 22:47
wow, an editbox ... ultimate coolness!!!

   on 13 Dec : 04:55
It's because you bumped the link off

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