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photofx on 20 Oct : 07:37
with the impressive alphamap support in the new xm[more]

Cerbie on 20 Oct : 05:18
The old way of making themes? Please.

dandersahn on 20 Oct : 04:03
i tried that. it didn't work. i figured out th[more]

SMaddox on 20 Oct : 02:38
OK awsome, thanks for the help. Got eveyrhtin work[more]

Smurth on 20 Oct : 01:45
All I wanted to say is that Andymon is already doi[more]

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Thread: Theme_Gallery
             Tue Jul 13 2004, 12:24PM

Wow, you got my theme gallery plugin to work. Everyone I knew who tryed it couldn't get past the resize bug. As far as I knew, it only worked on my server. Sorry for not releasing v2, it was a huge rewrite. 10x better. It even supported multiple instances of it's self.
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Thread: Theme_Gallery
             Tue Jul 13 2004, 05:18PM

posts 61
hmm... I dunno really what you mean with "resize bug", but it works great for me

I hope you will relase a newer version

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: Theme_Gallery
             Fri Jul 16 2004, 03:12AM

Some servers have GD2 installed incorrectly, or something like that.. who knows. As long as it works for you, i'm happy.

The second version is basicly finished.. I never wrote the installation for it. It doesn't support GD2 anymore.. It uses ImageMagick. I wanted to get it to work with both before I released it, but I lost interest.

I'll look around to see if I can pull up an old db backup Maybe i'll through together an installation script.
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