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dac on 07 Nov : 20:56
That previous post was min[more]

Anonymous on 07 Nov : 20:54
Thx for the xtextedit fix. It [more]

Andymon on 07 Nov : 14:16
I won't add something regardin[more]

Andymon on 07 Nov : 14:15
You must Activate xDesktop Em[more]

GothsSecret on 07 Nov : 14:05
no, cause xLab[more]

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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> xPopup 1.0.5 bugs
xPopup 1.0.5 bugs
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Thread: xPopup 1.0.5 bugs
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 02:08AM
Registered Member #165
Joined Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
posts 7
First let me ask a question.
1.Whats the syntax to set a separator image.
heres what i have:
xPopupSeparatorImage separator.png

dunno what im doin wrong but wont work.

And now for a bug:
2. Image:
This happens anytime there is an empty forlder. The docs say that the topborder and bottom border should show, but only the bottom seems to be showing. Heres my code since it may just be something i have wrong:

*NetLoadModule xpopup-1.0.5
xPopupCompatibilityMode TRUE
xPopupAutoMenuBreak TRUE
xPopupMinEntryWidth 100
xPopupMaxEntryWidth 200
xPopupDefaultIcon "$MiscDir$file.ico"
xPopupFolderIcon "$MiscDir$folder.ico"
xPopupShowCaption .none
xPopupAlphaMap TRUE
xPopupImage popup.png
xPopupTopBorder 16
xPopupBottomBorder 16
xPopupLeftBorder 16
xPopupRightBorder 16
xPopupImageLeftEdge 32
xPopupImageRightEdge 32
xPopupImageTopEdge 32
xPopupImageBottomEdge 32
xPopupArrowImage arrow.png
xPopupArrowOffset 1
xPopupSeparatorImage separator.png
xPopupActiveEntryImage popupsel.png
xPopupActiveEntryImageLeftEdge 1
xPopupActiveEntryImageRightEdge 1
xPopupActiveEntryImageTopEdge 1
xPopupActiveEntryImageBottomEdge 1
xPopupEntryIconX 2
xPopupEntryFont "Arial"
xPopupEntryFontHeight 16
xPopupEntryFontLeftBorder 20
xPopupEntryFontRightBorder 11
xPopupOnDrop "Shortcut"
xPopupPinnedPopupNotOnTop TRUE
xPopupShadeable FALSE

And last but most annoyingly:

3.The context menu is not poping up on right click for anything but folders.

Oh wait one request:
4.Could it be possible to drag items(files) out of a popup? that would be nice. Like to be able to move something from one popupfolder to another (assuming its an actual physical folder).
[ Edited ]
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Thread: xPopup 1.0.5 bugs
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 02:14PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 181
1. The syntax is correct, either you have set somewhere xPopupUseSeparatorSolidColors or the Image "separator.png" is not in your LSImageFolder or corrupted. or you have xPopupSeparatorHeight set to 0!?
2. This has to do with the Image Stretching, I add an extra check for the MinHeight to be also greater then ImageTopEdge+ImageBottomEdge. Till then set the TopBorder to the ImageTopEdge value and BottomBorder to the ImageBottomEdge value.
3. This is a simple bug
4. Sorry, but this too hard to implement i think.
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Thread: xPopup 1.0.5 bugs
             Wed Oct 20 2004, 02:38AM
Registered Member #165
Joined: Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:33PM
posts 7
OK awsome, thanks for the help. Got eveyrhtin worked out now. Worked like a charm.

BTW i was just trying to have a black bar for the separator, dunno why i didn't think of using a solidcolor.
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Thread: xPopup 1.0.5 bugs
             Wed Oct 20 2004, 12:42PM
Registered Member #7
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 04:35AM
posts 41
Me have a bug, too:

When setting
xpopupshowcaption .none
xpopuptopborder 11

The popups are unmoveable and unshadeable
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Thread: xPopup 1.0.5 bugs
             Wed Oct 20 2004, 01:14PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 181
Great that it now works

Yeah, with ShowCaption .none, the MouseActions are also deactivated atm.
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   on 07 Nov : 17:35
chatbox looks very cool, very nicely done!

   on 07 Nov : 15:27
ok, to all xLabel Desktop users, if you want to enable the desktop funtion, you need to set "xLabelUsexDesktop"!
!! else it couldn't work. sorry for forgetting to mention it in the readme *g* next time it will be in there

   on 02 Nov : 19:54
hehe doin my best

   on 01 Nov : 18:54

You guys never fail to entertain

   on 01 Nov : 15:47
oh.. sorry to those 2 online ppl, Just fucked up the site for a short mement

   on 01 Nov : 06:00
xPopup 1.0.8 ROCKS!

Juan Guillermo
   on 31 Oct : 23:46
Thanks a lot for your GREAT work guis , xmodules are transforming the Litestep shell in a much more fancy/varsatile thing.

   on 30 Oct : 16:44

   on 29 Oct : 00:54
>Andymon - woot!
>GothsSecret - If necessary, you could probably reduce the gaps between the center and the sides, for those with lower resolutions (not me, I'm at 1280x1024!).

   on 28 Oct : 13:02
Just wanna tell:
HighColor(16bit) is coming for all xModules in the near future, finally.

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