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dac on 07 Nov : 20:56
That previous post was min[more]

Anonymous on 07 Nov : 20:54
Thx for the xtextedit fix. It [more]

Andymon on 07 Nov : 14:16
I won't add something regardin[more]

Andymon on 07 Nov : 14:15
You must Activate xDesktop Em[more]

GothsSecret on 07 Nov : 14:05
no, cause xLab[more]

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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> xpopup abilities
xpopup abilities
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Sun Oct 17 2004, 10:23PM
Registered Member #146
Joined Wed Sep 29 2004, 08:38AM
posts 7
is it possible to pin an xpopup 'inside' an lsbox (or maybe xlabel though i havent tried it with lsdynamic) created at startup?
i cant get one inside a box.

what i'd like to do is have a pinned dynamic folder showing quickshorts inside an lsbox so that i may 1)slide the box around with LSDynamic 2)vary the size of the lsbox with a variable x=amount of shortcuts in the dynamic folder and finally 3)keep the properties of a dynamic folder (change contents on the fly).

even if i cant somehow use a shortcut count to vary the size of the box it would still be nice to have a pinned single dynamic folder inside an lsbox so that one doesnt have to 'create' images for each of the shortcuts entry/active/hover states a la xlabel (or whatever) .. instead using the shortcuts own icon (with e/a/h hue and saturation states) and a single e/a/h image underneath for each...(inside an lsbox)
[ Edited ]
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 12:40AM

posts 69
no, it is not possible to hook xPopup

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 01:07AM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 123
I think having a deskfolders-like module would be the best way around this. Given the features of xLabel and xPopup, the basics are obviously there. I think it'd be cool as well. Who knows? xLabel and xTaskbar development should be significantly retarding (bugs and minor features may be left to deal with, but the major features are there), so maybe we'll see another module in a few months.

/me lights incense under shrine of Andymon
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 04:23AM

Registered Member #22
Joined: Thu May 06 2004, 08:32AM
posts 63
/me surrounds the shrine in decorative statuettes.
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 04:39AM

ok. thanks.
yeah, there really isnt a definitive module like lslnkbox or lnkmenu and thats pretty surprising.
well, i guess i'll sit here and cut out 384 image states for my shortcuts. lol
(8 drawers, 2 menus each..lmb/rmb, 8 shortcuts per menu, and 3 states per shortcut)
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 07:28AM
Registered Member #7
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 04:35AM
posts 41
You can do all this with the actual modules and some scripts (even inplace browsing).
Try to use your imagination instead of asking more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more...
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 08:34AM
Registered Member #146
Joined: Wed Sep 29 2004, 08:38AM
posts 7
this is the module forum right? where they answer questions about modules? not where people come in to add their little faggy opinions?
i mean, wow, ive got a total of like 7 posts and here you come prancing in like a little french poodle with an annoying yelp. here, imagine this.. me kicking the poodle.
[ Edited Mon Oct 18 2004, 09:07AM ]
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 09:25AM

posts 69
wow... guys, cool down

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 01:35PM

Registered Member #22
Joined: Thu May 06 2004, 08:32AM
posts 63


Take your meds.
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Mon Oct 18 2004, 06:30PM
Registered Member #146
Joined: Wed Sep 29 2004, 08:38AM
posts 7
sorry, man.
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Thread: xpopup abilities
             Wed Oct 20 2004, 01:45AM
Registered Member #7
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 04:35AM
posts 41
All I wanted to say is that Andymon is already doing a very impressive job. I'm an oldschool litesteper and the modules' development have never been so intense. If you only knew the old way of making themes... tricks, everywhere.

Andymon is not paid for coding modules. He must have a life in the real world, too. But I guess he spend most of this time coding and fixing bugs, for you all (and me, too)

So, when something can be done with everything you already have right under your hands, use your imagination. And post request for impossible situations.

If you need help, there'll always be someone to give you clues, but not the complete solution...
That's my opinion.
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   on 07 Nov : 17:35
chatbox looks very cool, very nicely done!

   on 07 Nov : 15:27
ok, to all xLabel Desktop users, if you want to enable the desktop funtion, you need to set "xLabelUsexDesktop"!
!! else it couldn't work. sorry for forgetting to mention it in the readme *g* next time it will be in there

   on 02 Nov : 19:54
hehe doin my best

   on 01 Nov : 18:54

You guys never fail to entertain

   on 01 Nov : 15:47
oh.. sorry to those 2 online ppl, Just fucked up the site for a short mement

   on 01 Nov : 06:00
xPopup 1.0.8 ROCKS!

Juan Guillermo
   on 31 Oct : 23:46
Thanks a lot for your GREAT work guis , xmodules are transforming the Litestep shell in a much more fancy/varsatile thing.

   on 30 Oct : 16:44

   on 29 Oct : 00:54
>Andymon - woot!
>GothsSecret - If necessary, you could probably reduce the gaps between the center and the sides, for those with lower resolutions (not me, I'm at 1280x1024!).

   on 28 Oct : 13:02
Just wanna tell:
HighColor(16bit) is coming for all xModules in the near future, finally.

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