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photofx on 06 Nov : 19:56
no, none of the labels are a[more]

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I seem to have the same proble[more]

ElkMonster on 06 Nov : 14:00
also as far as i've had a look[more]

ElkMonster on 06 Nov : 13:54
erm... doesn't anybody have th[more]

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Neither the \# nor \\# seem to[more]

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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> xModule Transparency suggestion
xModule Transparency suggestion
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Thread: xModule Transparency suggestion
             Wed Oct 20 2004, 07:37AM

Registered Member #132
Joined Fri Sep 17 2004, 09:46PM
posts 11
with the impressive alphamap support in the new xmodules, it would be nice to be able to define different elements of the modules different transparency levels, for example, the backround of the taskbar @50%, but the icons and text @0% transparent, with the less transparent portions overriding the more transparent portions (or an option to made additive transparency, or something.).

the theme i just started working on would nicely implement this feature.

one incomplete solution would be to alpha map the taskbuttons (or popup entries) with an opaque area for the icons, but this can't take into account what shape the icon is going to be, leaving a opaque square where the icon doens't cover.

just a suggestion.


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Thread: xModule Transparency suggestion
             Wed Oct 20 2004, 01:19PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 179
xTaskbar already has such a feature! Check out:
and try to combine these features.
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Thread: xModule Transparency suggestion
             Wed Oct 20 2004, 07:18PM

Registered Member #132
Joined: Fri Sep 17 2004, 09:46PM
posts 11
my appologies

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Thread: xModule Transparency suggestion
             Sat Oct 23 2004, 07:52PM

Registered Member #132
Joined: Fri Sep 17 2004, 09:46PM
posts 11
oh, and now that i'm using xpopup 3.2.6, i've noticed that the icon blending that xtaskbar 1.1.5 does so nicely doesn't work on alphamapped popups (even on semitrans backrounds, xtaskbar-1.1.5 blends the icons properly), every pixel of the icons is drawn opaque, including the shadows. not sure if this is just my configuration, since xtaskbar does it properly.

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   on 02 Nov : 19:54
hehe doin my best

   on 01 Nov : 18:54

You guys never fail to entertain

   on 01 Nov : 15:47
oh.. sorry to those 2 online ppl, Just fucked up the site for a short mement

   on 01 Nov : 06:00
xPopup 1.0.8 ROCKS!

Juan Guillermo
   on 31 Oct : 23:46
Thanks a lot for your GREAT work guis , xmodules are transforming the Litestep shell in a much more fancy/varsatile thing.

   on 30 Oct : 16:44

   on 29 Oct : 00:54
>Andymon - woot!
>GothsSecret - If necessary, you could probably reduce the gaps between the center and the sides, for those with lower resolutions (not me, I'm at 1280x1024!).

   on 28 Oct : 13:02
Just wanna tell:
HighColor(16bit) is coming for all xModules in the near future, finally.

   on 28 Oct : 11:47
hehe, now I like it too, I wassn't sure if it'll look good if we put a second menu right handed but now it's ok, so no need for a complete change anymore

   on 28 Oct : 11:34
Hello everyone!
This layout is just fine, don't get why you want to change it?!

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