
Wouldn't it be a good idea to remove Shortcut2 Emulation from xLabel totally?

Damn, I love this crap, keep it

Huh? For what, kick this stuff

I don't give a *&$\ :D

Posted by: GothsSecret
Votes: 13
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singuin on 10 Nov : 18:24
hey, thanks for your replys [more]

iRalf on 10 Nov : 18:22
Before you go thinking 'oh no,[more]

sryo on 10 Nov : 17:22
but shortcut2 isnt moveable. w[more]

Andymon on 10 Nov : 13:33
My personal intention is to th[more]

Cerbie on 10 Nov : 09:45

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xLabel-3.2 and xLabelLight-3.2 Released!!
Posted on Tuesday 12 October 2004 - 17:35:30 by GothsSecret
xLabel-3.2 Final
Finally I have enough of "Betas", therefore comes now xLabel-3.2 Final!
This by far doesn't mean that now all problems are fixed, but that's always so.

Just to enumerate some new features:
100% xTextEdit-0.1 Emulation
110% xDesktop-1.3 Emulation (Extra Features)
Smoother Moving.
AlphaMap Hooking support! (xLabel-3.2 and xTaskbar-1.1.5)
*(label-name)GhostImage x y Image.png #anhp (0-255)
Simply paints a Fixed Size Image onto the Label at the given position inside the label. THIS IS ONLY A IMAGE, LIKE THE BG ITSELF!
Fade out scrolling text at the sides of the label.
You can resize the labels On-The-Fly like normal windows.
*(label-name)Pos "Full Path" "x-coordinate" "y-coordinate" "width" "height"
If the following line is set, instead of (label-name)x, (label-name)y, ... then the current position and size of the label is automatically saved on Recycle.
Various Docking features.
Some enhanced Text Escape Sequences.
Many fixes.

So have fun with it now, Officially

Again for Module Developers:
To add AlphaMap Hooking Support to your Module do the following.

1. They MUST send a SendMessage(ParenthWnd, LM_EXTERNALDRAWNOTIFY, 0, 0) to their Parent, everytime AFTER something in their MODULE IMAGE has been changed!
2. They must process a incoming SendMessage with the following Values:
wParam: HDC ( acces with: HDC tmpDC = (HDC) wParam; )

Now they must paint their MODULE IMAGE into this HDC, with the correct x,y,width and height of the hooked module (inside the parent).


Grab xLabel-3.2 here
Grab xLabelLight-3.2 here


xLabel(light)-3.2 Released on 12-10-2004, Changes by Andymon

Info: The whole TextEdit Section (Bangs, Settings) have changed to match xTextEdit!
So, if someone has used "xLabelUseTextEdit" before, he has to change his Bangs and
Settings and MUST set now "xLabelUsexTextedit".
The whole Desktop Section (Bangs, Settings) have changed to match xDesktop!
So, if someone has used xLabelDesktop before he has to change his Bangs and
Settings and MUST set now "xLabelUsexDesktop".

Sorry about inconveniences, but I changed the SolidColors syntax for Hover and Pressed States
to match the "Standards" from xTaskbar and xPopup! (See Changed:)

ZOrder based on Label Creation Order is back (removed in 2.7.4)!

AlphaMap Labels CAN now hook other xModules (and currently only xLabel-3.2 and xTaskbar-1.1.5)!

If you use the (label-name)SnapTo Feature, you should ONLY snap to the label you want also to dock to!
Cause, if Labels are docked to another one and this one snaps they doesn't move correct.

- Added: *(label-name)GhostImage x y Image.png #anhp (0-255)
Simply paints a Fixed Size Image onto the Label at the given position inside the label.

FLAGS: 'a' 'n' 'h' 'p' 'f'
The Flags 'n', 'h' and 'p' are optional and allow to setup, if the Image is painted on the
matching states "Normal", Hover" and "Pressed". This works only, if really a Hover- or PressedImage
is set, by Default (if nothing is set) ALL Are TRUE.
The Flag 'f' (Full) works only , if x and y is 0, then the Image will be stretched over the complete parent Image.
The Image can have a AlphaMap, set the Flag 'a', if AlphaMap should be used!
And/or a given AlphaTransparency (0-255) specified after the Flag.

Examples: The "Parent" label is in the examples always "TestLabel"
AlphaMapped Image painted at x=5 and y=5 with an Overal Transparency of 200, on all States.
*TestLabelGhostImage 5 5 alpha.png #a 200
Normal Image painted at x=-50 and y=0 with an Overal Transparency of 125, only on Hover State.
*TestLabelGhostImage -50 5 normal.png #h 125
Accepts 4, 2 or 1 INT Value(s), which define the number of pixels on which the text fades out at the
sides of the label. Looks naturally best with scrolling text

You should not mix LEFT/RIGHT together with TOP/BOTTOM, best is only to use one based on Scroll
Direction and set the other to 0!
If set to 4, 2 or 1 value(s), a virtual border with the specified size is put at the matching side of
the label, with which you can resize the label On-The-Fly like normal windows =)
- Added: (label-name)AutoMinWidth INT
You cannot make a Label smaller then this width. See also (label-name)AutoMaxWidth.
Implemented to restrict ManualResizing with ResizeBorder (affects also AutoWidthMode).
- Added: (label-name)AutoMinHeight INT
You cannot make a Label smaller then this height. See also (label-name)AutoMaxHeight.
Implemented to restrict ManualResizing with ResizeBorder (affects also AutoHeightMode).
- Added: *(label-name)Pos "Full Path" "x-coordinate" "y-coordinate" "width" "height"
If the following line is set, instead of (label-name)x, (label-name)y, ... then
the current position and size of the label is automatically saved on Recycle.

Example for a Label named "testlabel":
The following line MUST be in the specified file "$themedir$theme.rc"
*testlabelpos "$themedir$theme.rc" 100 100 200 200

"Full Path" must point to the file, in which this line is set!
"x-coordinate", "y-coordinate", "width" and "height", will always be converted to absolute values!
- Added: *(label-name1)DockedTo (label-name2)
If you move the "Parent Label" (label-name2) the "DockedTo" Label(s) (label-name1)
move(s) accordingly. This works with manual Dragging, Bangs and even with Animations.
(Simultaneous animations are now possible without scripting!)
- Added: Bang: !LabelDock (label-name1) (label-name2) "True"|"False"
Docks (label-name1) to (label-name2), when set to "TRUE" or Nothing and UnDocks,
when set to "FALSE"
- Added: (label-name)DockOnSnap "nothing", "moving", "snappedTo", "moving+snappedto"
"moving": If a MOVEABLE label is moved to one of it's "SnapTo" Labels and "Snaps",
then the MOVED label is automatically docked to THIS label.
"snappedto": If a MOVEABLE label is moved to one of it's "SnapTo" Labels and "Snaps",
then THIS label is automatically docked to the MOVED label.
"moving+snappedto": On Snap both labels a stuck together and you can only "UnDock" them via
the Bang "!LabelDock". If you move one the other moves also, so you cannot
"Undock" them this way anymore!

For "Undocking" simply move the docked label away in Mode "moving" or "snappedto"!
Or for temporary Docking Deactivation press "SPACE" during the move!
- Added: [trim('x', 'chars to trim')] accepts now a list of Chars, which will be removed additionally to Space.

[trim('-- Text,', '-,')] -> "-- Text," would be trimmed to "Text"
- Added: [labelname]
Is set to the name of the label from which this Bang is called.
- Added: [matchline('file', 'Wildcards')]
Retrieves the first found Line in "File", which matches the Wildcards String (*, ?, ...)
- Added: [volume('winamp')]
Shows the current WinampVolume in %.
- Added: xModules (xLabel-3.2, xPopup-1.0) AlphaMap Hooking Support.
- Added: ZOrder of Labels based on Creation Order, means the Label, which is created later is OnTop of the Previous One.
- Changed: (label-name)ScrollPad can now accept also negative values.
- Changed: (label-name)SolidHoverColors is now (label-name)HoverSolidColors
(label-name)SolidHoverGradientColors is now (label-name)HoverSolidGradientColors
(label-name)SolidHoverGradientVertical is now (label-name)HoverSolidGradientVertical
(label-name)SolidHoverBevelSize is now (label-name)HoverSolidBevelSize

(label-name)SolidPressedColors is now (label-name)PressedSolidColors
(label-name)SolidPressedGradientColors is now (label-name)PressedSolidGradientColors
(label-name)SolidPressedGradientVertical is now (label-name)PressedSolidGradientVertical
(label-name)SolidPressedBevelSize is now (label-name)PressedSolidBevelSize
- Changed: xTextEdit Emulation:
All Changes to match identical features in xTextEdit-0.1
So, if you use xLabel-3.2 you don't need to load xTextEdit-0.1!

Activate with "xLabelUsexTextEdit"!

xTextEditConfirmation -> Confirmation before Replace and Delete is required
xTextEditDebug -> Confirmation is required and Extended Info is shown before Replace and Delete

!xTextAppend <- NAME CHANGED
!xTextDelete <- NAME CHANGED
!xTextReplace <- NAME CHANGED <-> was a ReplaceAll!
!xTextReplaceAll <- NEW
!xTextSaveEvar <-NEW
- Changed: xDesktop Emulation:
All Changes to match identical features in xDesktop-1.3
So, if you use xLabel-3.2 you don't need to load xDesktop-1.3!

-> NEW <- xDesktop needs now explicit activation.
Activate with "xLabelUsexDesktop"!

All Settings, which are before
are now identical to xDesktop Settings

xDesktop Bangs added, which replace the old Bang solution:
!xDesktopCreate replace ".desktop"
!xDesktopCreate update ".desktop"
!xDesktopCreate "append"|"replace"|"update" "(Quoted Path to Folder)"

Purpose is to keep things easy, and there's anyway no need for two settings syntaxes, which
actually do the same.
- Changed: Moving smoothed to match quality level of Docking implementation
- Changed: Increased MAX and MIN Integer (they were restricted) to (+-)5000, which should be enough even for
MultiMonitor Setups.
- Changed: SolidColors can now contain Magic Pink, which will be removed, but you shouldn't mix it with Gradients!
- Removed: xTextEdit Emulation:
Escape Sequence \c for Clipboard Text
This always makes more trouble, than it is worth anyway. With xLabel-3.2 you get the same easily,
on many different ways!
Try to Use\Replace a String\Path with:
"c:\litestep\themes\theme -> \c <- onfig\theme.rc" or similar
- Fixed: OldStyle OnDrop was broken
- Fixed: ReadMe Typo, Correct it must be:
The optional third parameter is the ScrollMode. (You only need this if you don't set (label-name)Scroll!)
"1" = "horizontal-left" (same scrolling as before)
"3" = "horizontal-right"
"2" = "vertical-down"
"4" = "vertical-up"
- Fixed: (label-name)BorderMethod hadn't accepted ".none" for Hover or Pressed State.
- Fixed: AlphaMap Image Corruption till the first Recycles.
- Fixed: If you had set xLabelMoveable in hooked Labels, MoveButton ClickActions were broken
under some cir[*&/§=!$]stances.
- Fixed: MouseWheel Action in hooked Labels:
!!You need to Focus the PARENT Label to get the MouseWheel Message for the CHILD!!
-> FocusOnEnter or Click Activation for the PARENT, not the CHILD.
- Fixed: xDesktop and Moveable Labels:
If you simply pressed the MoveButton, you always got the MoveCursor, even if you didn't moved it.
- Fixed: Some HoverState Default Values forgotton.
- Fixed: Some internal optimizations.


   on 09 Nov : 10:54
hehe, tested now it seems that it runs perfect

   on 08 Nov : 21:42
Goths: you are testing with the real site-code again?

   on 07 Nov : 17:35
chatbox looks very cool, very nicely done!

   on 07 Nov : 15:27
ok, to all xLabel Desktop users, if you want to enable the desktop funtion, you need to set "xLabelUsexDesktop"!
!! else it couldn't work. sorry for forgetting to mention it in the readme *g* next time it will be in there

   on 02 Nov : 19:54
hehe doin my best

   on 01 Nov : 18:54

You guys never fail to entertain

   on 01 Nov : 15:47
oh.. sorry to those 2 online ppl, Just fucked up the site for a short mement

   on 01 Nov : 06:00
xPopup 1.0.8 ROCKS!

Juan Guillermo
   on 31 Oct : 23:46
Thanks a lot for your GREAT work guis , xmodules are transforming the Litestep shell in a much more fancy/varsatile thing.

   on 30 Oct : 16:44

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