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Anonymous on 04 Aug : 22:47
[re: x Label threaded?]
of course, the newest version, 3.1, on the newest [more ...]

brookstone on 04 Aug : 20:32
[thread: x Label threaded?]
When I run xLabel threaded, I get "Error during mo[more ...]

GothsSecret on 04 Aug : 07:32
[re: xPopup suggestions]
heard that MinWidth seems to be broken :-S
[more ...]

Backslash on 04 Aug : 07:25
[re: xPopup suggestions]
Isn't it amazing how fast he implements things t[more ...]

Anonymous on 03 Aug : 22:43
[re: xPopup suggestions]
I'm the anon above who suggested it, downloaded it[more ...]

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xPopup suggestions

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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Mon Jul 19 2004, 10:41AM

Registered Member #38
Joined Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 43
First let me say THANK YOU for xPopup; like xTaskbar and xLabel it is an excellent module that goes far above and beyond the alternatives, and already now I can't go back!

-small typo: in the documentation, ShowExtension should be ShowExtensions, correct?

Now, I have a few small suggestions, most rather minor; and since you ask for ideas, I hope to help!

-I think FolderHeight should use the height of the image of EntryImage if no FolderImage is defined.
-if SolidColors are used, is there a way to define Entry Width? (I see it's defaulting to 128).
-More ways to customize the display of Caption (such as font size, bold/italic/underline) would be great.
-UseBigIcon would be more useful if configured as (Entry Type)UseBigIcon, since (Entry Type)IconSize is already that way.
-Come to think of it, the same for ShowIcon and ShowText would open interesting possibilities!

and now a more complicated request, something I've been wishing for ever since Popup2 was given pinned capabilities:
-Some way to pre-define pinned popups in an rc file to open at start up. Very similar to !xPopup [x] [y], but defined in theme.rc to open every time, so perhaps something like:
*xPopupPinned [Popup name] [x] [y]
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Mon Jul 19 2004, 12:36PM

Registered Member #55
Joined: Fri Jun 25 2004, 10:59PM
posts 14
wow - that looks good!
but i didnt find what im looking for so ...

will there be a setting which keeps the submenus open for a specified time so you are not forced to go straight horizontally to reach the subpopup?
will the special popups [ !PopupTasks, !PopupMyComputer, ...] be available in the next release?

3rd thing id like to have is a bang which lets xPopup updated its content so a if else endif entry will updated accordingly and there is no need for a full recycle anymore

another typo: "Height of the Module: The Width of the Hooked Module."
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Mon Jul 19 2004, 12:44PM
Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 38
Oh, and here's one, something the ancient popup module let you do...
Define the close button image, and only require a single click on it to do the job.
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Tue Jul 20 2004, 01:08PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 65
Ok, one by one.
FolderHeight Default is now EntryHeight -> Good Idea
The EntryWidth/PopupWidth is always automatically calculated that all text is fitting. To get a "Fixed" size use MinWidth and MaxWidth (MinWidth and MinHeight was broken in v0.2)
The display of Caption can be modified with the "Title" Prefix (Ok, it's hard to find in the ReadMe :\)
ShowText, ShowIcon and UseBigIcon are now(next version) Type Specific (in xPopup no Problem, in xTaskbar nearly impossible )

Special PopupFolder will definitly come, but not in the next release(s).
You can UnLoad and ReLoad the PopupModule after a !reload to achieve this
[ Edited Tue Jul 20 2004, 01:09PM ]
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Tue Jul 20 2004, 11:37PM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 43
Great! Thanks for the update! (and doh, I can't believe I missed Title, I searched for it... ) Excellent new version!

xPopupStartPinned ROCKS!

Question, is the .icon feature in xPopup? For example:
*Popup .icon="$litestepdir$litestep.exe" "LiteStep" Folder
because if it is, I'm not sure it's working; still, didn't see it in the docs. Just curious.

Or maybe my problem is that the DynamicFolder doesn't display icons properly? I'm trying to figure out what it's doing because SOMETHING is wrong... but at this point it could be my config...
[ Edited Wed Jul 21 2004, 11:12AM ]
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Wed Jul 21 2004, 01:56PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 65
The .icon= stuff is already implemented
About Dynamic Folders: They aren't dynamic atm so maybe this is your problem.
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Thu Jul 22 2004, 12:47AM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 43
maybe! I'll switch to just Folders for now.

Is there a way to set a DefaultIcon of none?

Also, for mouse wheel navigation (which rocks btw), perhaps you could set it so that left-click opens up the folder that is selected (because it is not opening on hover during mouse wheel scrolling, and I do have FolderOpenonclick false). Don't get me wrong, in this case I think it is good that it is not opening on hover!

And is there a consistent way to get xPopup to show icons? I'm not sure what the problem is, but I've got one test popup that has inside:

*Popup "TestFolders" !new !xTestPopup
*Popup .icon="$litestepdir$\setup\icons\LiteStepRCFile.ico" "theme.rc" "$ThemeDir$theme.rc"
*Popup "Games" Folder
*Popup "Games" !PopupFolder:"$Programs$\Games"
*Popup ~folder
*Popup ~new

but the popup shows everywhere only "folder" icons, the built-in default. What am I doing wrong?
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Thu Jul 22 2004, 01:18PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 65
A defaulticon/defaultfoldericon .none isn't available, but a good idea.
And what probably causes the problem is the $\, because $litestepdir$ has already a ending \ -> \\
I think i should add a check for that too.
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Thu Jul 22 2004, 10:22PM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 43
Great! That was the problem, thank you.
Though, now I notice
*Popup .icon="sysdm.cpl,0" "System Properties" sysdm.cpl
doesn't work. Did I do that wrong or is extracting from cpl (control panel) files not working?

And are wildcards/pipes implemented? Another of those things I can't get to work or find in the readme
examples of use:
*Popup "programs" !PopupFolder:"$Programs$|$CommonPrograms$"
*Popup "quicklaunch" !PopupFolder:"$QuickLaunch$*.lnk"
*Popup "module docs" !PopupFolder:"$ModulesDir$docs\|$LitestepDir$NLM\*.html"

Are relative paths possible? A lesser used feature in Popup2 and there are probably better ways to do this, but I'm curious. Example:
*Popup "Games" !PopupFolder:"$StartMenu$..\Toolbars\Games"
(on most computers this navigates to "C:\documents and Settings\User Name\Toolbars\Games")
This last question is low priority if it is not easy to implement, likely not many people would use this and I can switch to a different method if necessary.

Let me know if I'm asking too much, just trying to be helpful!
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Sat Jul 24 2004, 01:13PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 65
Ok, Currently the IconIndex isn't supported at all and Extraction works only from Full Path Files, Popup2 has a lot of helper functions to cover all possible extraction methods and I'm not sure if this is really needed. But a simple Code Copy is always an option.
Wildcards and Pipes aren't implemented yet.
Relative Path, will probably not come (never heard of it). All other things I think, one after another till 1.0
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Thread: xPopup suggestions
             Wed Jul 28 2004, 01:07AM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 43
Very excellent new version! All icons working great now.

A couple small ideas: could you make the shortcut arrow on LNK files optional? And perhaps have another option to hide the ".lnk" extension, even when other extensions are shown?

As for pipes, perhaps for now you could have it ignore them? because, for example there is a default line in popup.rc put there by the Litestep Installer which is:
*Popup "programs" !DynamicFolder:"$Programs$|$CommonPrograms$"
and this results in an empty menu in xPopup, instead of ignoring the | (and what follows) and just showing $Programs$. Sure, I know how to fix it myself, but I thought I'd let you know, for others' benefit.

And now a big one
This is likely a bit more work, so perhaps not until 1.0, but... how about: *horizontal* layout direction! (probably similar code to xTaskbar)
Why? I'll admit, in most cases it might not look good, but imagine an icons-only implementation with horizontal layout. The possibilities are enormous! One could make popups that behave almost exactly like the Explorer quicklaunch toolbars.
Not to mention, this would make xPopup into a modern replacement for LSLnkMenu, and with xPopupStartPinned, so much better!
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