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x Label threaded?

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Thread: x Label threaded?
             Wed Aug 04 2004, 08:32PM

When I run xLabel threaded, I get "Error during module initialization. Contact the module author". I've looked through the forum but can't search for previous notes on this.

Obviously xLabel doesn't support it , but using it's desktop emulation, it's causing litestep to crash at times, specifically when icons are moved. I've turned off moving them, and that's stopped, but I like moving them ;-D. Any info on that, or tricks I could do?
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Thread: x Label threaded?
             Wed Aug 04 2004, 10:47PM

of course, the newest version, 3.1, on the newest Litestep, RC3. Just got my timelabel working as well

Still an odd bug with xLabel's desktop running, litestep sometimes refuses to load, stays in the background, taking 99%CPU.
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Thread: x Label threaded?
             Sat Aug 07 2004, 05:12AM

Well, there haven't been replies, so I'll reply.

Most of the crashing and stalling problems were caused by systray2-2.0.4, though it possibly only happened when xLabels was running (doing desktop emulation and a timelabel). I was too pleased to see systray was causing the problem that I didn't test more, and it's been replaced for me with vtray (lacking only a leftbitmap setting, taskbar3 compensates).

xLabel still spits out "xlabel-3.1.dll. Error:exception during module initialization. Please contact the module writer" when "*netmoduleload ... threaded".
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Thread: x Label threaded?
             Sat Aug 07 2004, 07:56AM
Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 60
Whether or not xLabel is the problem, threaded isn't recommended, and hasn't been for a LONG time. Maybe you have some special tricks or something, but with it threaded, I can't get anything to hook, and get script errors out the wazoo (why xLabel being threaded affects the scripts I don't know).
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