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How to get around xPopup's right border for !separator

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Thread: How to get around xPopup's right border for !separator
             Sun Aug 15 2004, 09:00PM

Registered Member #26
Joined Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 62
Each !Separator begins at the actual left edge, and goes all the way to the popup's right border, rather than the right edge. Is there any way to a) get it offset from the left and/or b) get it to go all the way across?
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Thread: How to get around xPopup's right border for !separator
             Wed Aug 25 2004, 02:24AM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 62
Bump, as no rpelies yet.

The left border is 2, and the right border is 2. As you can see, the separator (same image at the top) stops at the right border, yet does not heed the left border. This is with 0.9 as well, BTW.
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Thread: How to get around xPopup's right border for !separator
             Thu Aug 26 2004, 01:06PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 83
I think that is/must be a CFG problem! A separator is always as width as the other entrys, and he starts where Entrys start. The xPopupLeftBorder and xPopupRightBorder are valid for Entrys and Separators.
Maybe the Images/SolidColors Selection doesn't make that clear in your Image. Best solution would be if you post the CFG here (Maybe it's a simple Typo).
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Thread: How to get around xPopup's right border for !separator
             Thu Aug 26 2004, 04:54PM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 62
*NetLoadModule "xpopup-0.9" 
 xPopupFolderOpenDelay 0 
 xPopupImage "$LSImageFolder$$popupStyle$\$popupColor$_1.
 xPopupShowCaption .none 
 xPopupTrackingDelay 25 
 xPopupHideDelay 50 
 xPopupTopBorder 5 
 xPopupLeftBorder 2 
 xPopupRightBorder 2 
 xPopupOverlapX -1 
 xPopupEntryIconX $xPopupImageLeftEdge$ 
 xPopupDefaultIcon "$litestepdir$utilities\evarconfig.exe" 
 xPopupSeparatorX $xPopupImageLeftEdge$ 
 xPopupSeparatorImage "$LSImageFolder$$popupStyle$\$popupColor
 xPopupImageLeftEdge 2 
 xPopupImageTopEdge 5 
 xPopupImageRightEdge 2 
 xPopupImageBottomEdge 1 
 xPopupSeparatorImageLeftEdge 2 
 xPopupSeparatorImageTopEdge 1 
 xPopupSeparatorImageRightEdge 2 
 xPopupSeparatorImageBottomEdge 1 
 xPopupIconSize 16 
 xPopupAutoMenuBreak true 
 xPopupSeparatorHeight 3 
 xPopupArrowImage "$LSImageFolder$popup_arrow_triangle.png" 
 xPopupEntryHeight 20 
 xPopupEntryShowIcon true

[ Edited Thu Aug 26 2004, 04:59PM ]
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Thread: How to get around xPopup's right border for !separator
             Sun Aug 29 2004, 02:20PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 83
The settings look good, except that there is no "xPopupSeparatorX" and "xPopupIconSize" (use xPopupEntryIconSize).
So I think that the problem is in the SeparatorImage. (The xPopupSeparatorHeight is automatically set to Image height!)
The SeparatorImage starts at the EntryX Position, which is in your case 2 (xPopupLeftBorder) from the left Edge
and ends at EntryX+EntryWidth, which is in your case 2 (xPopupRightBorder) from the right Edge (without MenuBreak).
If you have added the "Border" additionally IN the Image, this is your problem.

About: "xPopupEntryIconX $xPopupImageLeftEdge$" these two settings didn't interact. The EntryIconX Position is calculated from INSIDE the Entry not from the complete Popup!

Hope this helps somehow
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Thread: How to get around xPopup's right border for !separator
             Mon Aug 30 2004, 10:43AM

No xPopupSeparatorX: Yeah, I guess I missed that. That was a test to see if such a setting did in fact exist. IconSize is an oversight as well--I haven't tried to change it from 16 yet.

...and it may be a setup issue, but it must have been somewhere odd if so! On another machine, just copying any of the themes over, it seems to work OK. I guess I should just get rid of LS and go get Omar's installer and RC3 again...
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