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Backslash on 22 Aug : 22:45
Looking forward to it!

I though[more ...]

Backslash on 22 Aug : 22:17
Bump... the icons are working perfect in 1.0.3, an[more ...]

matrixman on 22 Aug : 19:06
Thanks Andymon. The new version is perfect. No pro[more ...]

Andymon on 22 Aug : 16:14
Both problems will be fixed with the next version.[more ...]

Cerbie on 21 Aug : 07:01
Well, it was scripting dependencies that [more ...]

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Forums -> Modules -> Re: xPopup suggestions
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Posted: Mon Jul 19 2004, 10:41AM
First let me say THANK YOU for xPopup; like xTaskbar and xLabel it is an excellent module that goes far above and beyond the alternatives, and already now I can't go back!

-small typo: in the documentation, ShowExtension should be ShowExtensions, correct?

Now, I have a few small suggestions, most rather minor; and since you ask for ideas, I hope to help!

-I think FolderHeight should use the height of the image of EntryImage if no FolderImage is defined.
-if SolidColors are used, is there a way to define Entry Width? (I see it's defaulting to 128).
-More ways to customize the display of Caption (such as font size, bold/italic/underline) would be great.
-UseBigIcon would be more useful if configured as (Entry Type)UseBigIcon, since (Entry Type)IconSize is already that way.
-Come to think of it, the same for ShowIcon and ShowText would open interesting possibilities!

and now a more complicated request, something I've been wishing for ever since Popup2 was given pinned capabilities:
-Some way to pre-define pinned popups in an rc file to open at start up. Very similar to !xPopup [x] [y], but defined in theme.rc to open every time, so perhaps something like:
*xPopupPinned [Popup name] [x] [y]

Latest 10 replies
Posted: Thu Aug 19 2004, 09:35AM
True. that is the way some of us mostly use PopupTasks, isn't it Hope they can get TaskFolders and ShellFolders working as standalone bangs...

Ok, one last stab at the mousewheel scrolling / keyboard navigation situation:
The way it works now is almost perfect! One thing that would make it even better would be if a left-click on a folder entry behaved the same as pushing Enter on a folder entry. That is, it moves the mouse into the newly opened folder so that mousewheel and arrowkeys scroll within that new folder. Get it?
Posted: Sun Aug 15 2004, 06:36PM
Technicality in 0.8:
"TaskFolders work as in Popup2..."
!PopupTasks only works as a folder within a popup, where with popup2, it works as that or as its own popup.
Posted: Sun Aug 15 2004, 07:53AM
I see what you mean...
If you open the Programs folder, but move the mouse not at all and instead just use the mousewheel, it acts how you would expect. (Try it!)
But if you move the mouse to 'hover' over a folder entry inside Programs, that folder opens and the mousewheel only scrolls that open folder.

*Here's a suggestion; don't know if it's possible, but if so it might solve this quite well -- if the mouse is 'merely hovering' over the folder entry, the mousewheel (AND keyboard arrow keys and PgUp/PgDn) should scroll the main folder (programs, in our example). However, if the mouse is moved 'into' the opened hovered folder (thunderbird, in your example) OR the hovered folder entry is clicked on (or pressed Enter or Space), then the mousewheel should scroll in there. does that make sense? Think about this, let me know if I missed something...
Posted: Sun Aug 15 2004, 04:20AM
example: I move the cursor down, open Programs, go into Programs, and go to the bottom, scroll the wheel...instead of scrolling the Programs menu, it scrolls through the items in the Thunderbird subfolder.
Autobreak helps, though .

New issue: piping directories, it takes one, not the other, instead of merging the items. F:, if I open the main startup folder (All Users) first, when I hover to my startup, it displays the All Users version, and even displays it up by that one. I imagine this will get fixed, though, as it should only show one folder, but with combined contents.

...and I get a BSOD during a defrag (tip: NEVER install NVidia's IDE driver for PATA stuff), have to reformat and re-install, and by the time I'm back, there's a new version of xLabel to play with! I'll never get this theme done!
[ Edited Sun Aug 15 2004, 04:21AM ]
Posted: Wed Aug 11 2004, 11:25PM
@Cerbie: which method of scrolling are you talking about, that causes it to scroll the 'lowest open popup'? because with the mousewheel, I thought that was the point! Give an example.

Very great new version! The keyboard navigation is working great. The Info prefix is very useful, too!

Small bug: a quicklaunch popup seems to disappear immediately after calling it by bang, unless you quickly move your mouse to select something. This happens only when borders are bigger than 0.

Also, is it just me, or is the folder arrow not shown untill the folder is selected?

Two more suggestions involving keyboard navigation:
-If there is more than one entry that starts with a letter, if that letter is pressed selection should toggle between them. For example, you have multiple things starting with P, and you want to get to the third item, so press p,p,p.

-Another similar idea, "chording", involves multiple entries starting with the same letter. So you have many entries starting with P, and you want to get to Programs... press p, then quickly press r. You can see this work in most file managers.
--Note that the previous suggestion (p,p,p) takes precedence over this chording!
Posted: Mon Aug 09 2004, 12:09PM
Scrolling bug in 0.7 : when scrolling, the cursor moves to the lowest open popup, and only scrolls that.

Cached popups: It won't be a permanent fixture (the PC sits for maybe 10-15 min if the My Computer entry is not commented), but I like it! An option to maybe not cache a certain entry could be handy, but I think I'll have it as an option (off by default) in my next theme, and copy & paste the standard LS popup, sans My Computer, if it is on. I'm now off to do real testing of it (run SiSoft's HD bench and use the popup).

Autobreak: YES! But...when moving the cursor from directories to the file listings, the popup hides. Going from the files to the directories works fine, so it is usable (track quickly across, or out of the popup and back in). This only seems to occur on the first level of a popupfolder (Programs does it, docs do it...but subfolders, like Accessories, do not).

...and I'm now confident enough in the module that I'm starting that popup-based theme I said I would.
[ Edited Mon Aug 09 2004, 12:13PM ]
Posted: Sun Aug 08 2004, 09:34AM
Another scrolling idea: simply be able to set mwheelup and mwheeldown to scroll by page, or by x entries, and of course to not move the cursor in the process.
Posted: Sat Aug 07 2004, 10:18AM
@Andymon: good to know, thanks. Will do.

I can think of two solutions for the scrolling:
-one of which you've already mentioned Cerbie, and it's a good idea; PageUp and PageDown keyboard support.
-the other is this: If the mouse is at the bottom of the screen, and an entry is selected that is not entirely within the screen (it goes off the bottom), after a delay switch to the next page. (Dunno, you might be able to steal the edge detection code from Popup2's scrolling routines.)

At the moment there is a workaround; simply use the mousewheel down a few times when at the bottom of the screen.

--Aha, another idea involving scrolling; perhaps have some bangs like (xpopup)NextPage and PrevPage (or whatever) for use with pinned popups and quicklaunches.
--which leads to an idea for quicklaunches, allow for either MaxWidth or a new setting, something like MaxCount, so that only "n" number of entries are shown, but on arrow key or bang (as in above suggestion) it will go to the next page. This idea less a priority than the suggestions for scrolling above.
Posted: Sat Aug 07 2004, 04:50AM
Another feature idea: allow a popup to be the contents of a popup folder.
*xPopup "VWM stuff" !popupfolder:"!popupVWM" back to rebuilding my theme, now that I've thought of adding an order of magnitude of options.
Posted: Sat Aug 07 2004, 04:43AM
-scrolling: if I bring the mouse down to the bottom of the menu, nothing happens. If I use the mousewheel, it scrolls x lines at a time, moving the mouse with it. If I use up/down, it goes one row at a time, moving the cursor. If it didn't move the cursor, it'd be a lot easier, OR if pageup/pagedown would do something, OR if it would automatically set up columns, like Explorer's, which would rock, as no scrolling would be needed at all (it will come, cool!).
-Caching: I cna tell they are cached at first view, but often they take awhile for that first view. What I mean would be like say the Programs folder should be cached, and then it AND its subfolders (so this could be dangerous for the my computer popup ) would not take any extra time to show.
I have all delays set to either 10ms or 0, like popup2. I'd like a LS popup to give Blackbox's a run for, freeness? .

Thanks for another awesome module.
[ Edited Sat Aug 07 2004, 04:53AM ]
Review complete thread. (Will open a new window.)

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