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Anonymous on 26 Oct : 20:30
If it's not too much trouble w[more]

GothsSecret on 26 Oct : 20:10
nowadays it is possible to lea[more]

Niza on 26 Oct : 20:08
Hi there! I have a few simple [more]

Andymon on 26 Oct : 13:29
I checked the c flag and for m[more]

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Is there a way to check and [more]

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xLabel(Light)-3.2.6 Released!!
Posted on Sunday 17 October 2004 - 18:13:35 by GothsSecret
New Release of xLabel(Light)-3.2.6 due to Exported Position Evar BUG and ......

Nevertheless, the new version has some new extra features and some special fixes some might find very useful

Best Feature:
Vertical PerLine Scrolling!
In a small Label (Height) you can now use a scrolling Multiline Text, which will stop at each new line for a specific time and then scrolls till the next. Sounds cool, looks cool and can now be achieved with one line of settings and a little value tweaking

Best Fixes:
The whole stuff is now much better and smoother
Manually Resizing with ResizeBorder now perfectly tracks Min/Max Size, without the former problems.
TextFade now works also for AlphaMap and uses much less CPU (when scrolling).

So this should be considered as the real Final 3.2 (I was just a few day to early )!

P.S.: I habe a request to all Forum Users
Please mention always the version of the Module, if you post something like
"xPopup Bug", "xTaskbar doesn't work", ...
So something like
"xPopup-1.0.5 Bug" is much more interesting then "xPopup-0.9.8 Bug", cause not all users are always at the newest version. (Maybe my fault, because i update so often )


Grab xLabel-3.2.6 here

Grab xLabelLight-3.2.6 here

[ Read the rest ... ]



Acidfire   26 Oct : 20:40
Yay for the fun Chatbox

ElkMonster   26 Oct : 19:52

GothsSecret   26 Oct : 19:13
well now, just tried and the chatbox works *hope*

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