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dandersahn on 20 Oct : 04:03
i figured out the problem. i am using LS version [more]

SMaddox on 20 Oct : 02:38
OK awsome, thanks for the help. Got eveyrhtin work[more]

Smurth on 20 Oct : 01:45
All I wanted to say is that Andymon is already doi[more]

Smurth on 20 Oct : 01:34
What happen if you add:
dateTimealphamap [more]

Smurth on 20 Oct : 01:26
You can find nircmd.exe at -link-
It al[more]

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Theme and xLabel distrobution question

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Thread: Theme and xLabel distrobution question
             Sat Oct 09 2004, 02:14PM

Registered Member #26
Joined Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 103
I have a theme mere days from completion. Should I
a) Release it with xLabel-3.2-beta included.
b) Release it here with xLabel-3.2-beta included, and then elsewhere once it is a final release.
c) Keep it to myself until the final release.
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Thread: Theme and xLabel distrobution question
             Sat Oct 09 2004, 05:04PM

posts 61
the batea issn't available for non-members :-s ....

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: Theme and xLabel distrobution question
             Sat Oct 09 2004, 05:13PM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 103
I had a feeling that was the case. Never hurts to ask, though .
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Thread: Theme and xLabel distrobution question
             Sat Oct 09 2004, 10:08PM

posts 61
yeah sorry for that, but andy is hard working on an official release so I don't think it'll take too much time

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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