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dandersahn on 20 Oct : 04:03
i figured out the problem. i am using LS version [more]

SMaddox on 20 Oct : 02:38
OK awsome, thanks for the help. Got eveyrhtin work[more]

Smurth on 20 Oct : 01:45
All I wanted to say is that Andymon is already doi[more]

Smurth on 20 Oct : 01:34
What happen if you add:
dateTimealphamap [more]

Smurth on 20 Oct : 01:26
You can find nircmd.exe at -link-
It al[more]

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Transparency in Win98 (xLabel, xTaskbar, xPopup)

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Thread: Transparency in Win98 (xLabel, xTaskbar, xPopup)
             Sat Oct 09 2004, 09:58AM

Registered Member #26
Joined Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 103
What happens in '98 should the transparency for an xModule be set? Does it fail gracefully, crash, cause display corruption...does it differe between xPopup, xLabel, and xTaskbar?

I'd like to know, as I have no '98 PCs to test with, but don't want to compleely rule that large poriton of users out, if I can help it.
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Thread: Transparency in Win98 (xLabel, xTaskbar, xPopup)
             Sat Oct 09 2004, 01:43PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 146
Normally, all AlphaStuff is internally deactivated, so nothing should happen, but i'm not 100% sure that i didn't forgot some parts.
Simply make an If loop for Wi9x/Me users around AlphaStuff.
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