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Backslash on 03 Sep : 23:29
Here I go with some more suggestions... page 5[more]

ôzr on 02 Sep : 19:00
Yes, this seems to be the problem. I cant seem to[more]

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ôzr on 01 Sep : 19:03
Im building my own theme and was wond[more]

Cerbie on 01 Sep : 11:05
Yes, that 2nd escape sequence would be awesome...y[more]

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taskbar grouping [xTaskbar]

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Thread: taskbar grouping [xTaskbar]
             Mon Aug 09 2004, 10:12AM

Registered Member #55
Joined Fri Jun 25 2004, 10:59PM
posts 22

this feature is realy great now, but theres i lil bug ... when i close one of some grouped apps the whole group will disappear =( and it wont reappear when i open another version of it, tho its still accessible via alt+tab
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Thread: taskbar grouping [xTaskbar]
             Tue Aug 10 2004, 02:05PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 80
At least on My PC this never happened, maybe a problem with the specific app. I really don't know?
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Thread: taskbar grouping [xTaskbar]
             Thu Aug 12 2004, 12:56AM

Registered Member #55
Joined: Fri Jun 25 2004, 10:59PM
posts 22
one of the apps is explorer
a second one - notepad ... i think its happening with all the apps i tried [not sure]
ill test it on another computer as soon as i can
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Thread: taskbar grouping [xTaskbar]
             Sat Aug 14 2004, 10:29AM

Registered Member #55
Joined: Fri Jun 25 2004, 10:59PM
posts 22
well, this has been confirmed now by some other people i know - the only app that is not affected here is Thunderbird and allthough FireFox is running in tabbed mode it will get grouped ... not for all tabs tho, even twice with the same tab ... really strange o0
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Thread: taskbar grouping [xTaskbar]
             Sat Aug 14 2004, 07:56PM

I am having the same problem. I emailed the developer, so I hope he will change it soon.
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