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Backslash on 03 Sep : 23:29
Here I go with some more suggestions... page 5[more]

ôzr on 02 Sep : 19:00
Yes, this seems to be the problem. I cant seem to[more]

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ôzr on 01 Sep : 19:03
Im building my own theme and was wond[more]

Cerbie on 01 Sep : 11:05
Yes, that 2nd escape sequence would be awesome...y[more]

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active task bug in xTaskbar

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Thread: active task bug in xTaskbar
             Tue Aug 10 2004, 10:37AM

Registered Member #55
Joined Fri Jun 25 2004, 10:59PM
posts 22
when theres no further app on screen which the system could switch to when minimizing some program then the program keeps beeing highlighted as the currently active task so i cant maximize it again without clicking somewhere else first
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Thread: active task bug in xTaskbar
             Thu Aug 12 2004, 12:59AM

Registered Member #55
Joined: Fri Jun 25 2004, 10:59PM
posts 22
as strange as it may sound - im not able to recreate this anymore on my computer ... i dont know what i changed since monday either ;(
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Thread: active task bug in xTaskbar
             Thu Aug 12 2004, 01:01PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 80
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Thread: active task bug in xTaskbar
             Fri Aug 13 2004, 09:42PM

This has been happening since 0.9 for me, doesn't matter if there is anything else on screen or not. Once I minimize an app it won't come back up without changing focus.
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