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Forums -> Themes -> Re: [moved] Either I'm dumb or OnTop doesn't work...?
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Posted: Tue Jun 01 2004, 11:47PM
some time ago, one of my themes started to behave strange. i've a hidden label which is shown on some events. i swear there's no setting anywhere but in the one .rc-file where it should be.

LblQLInfoAlwaysOnTop true

should be ok, but it doesn't appear on top.
did everything i can imagine, though couldn't find the answer.
so please suggest what could be wrong, i'm becoming more and more desperate on this...
thanks in advance

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Posted: Sat Jul 31 2004, 08:47PM
Hello people
I'm new here, how's gone...

Well, this problem I had once.
I tested your theme (cool & nice features btw), and here is what i got:

At installation, rainlendar path problem, mentioned big deal,

Then I try the quicklaush and the label is not on top

As you said, when i put it on last position for loading, it works good.

So I tested all the modules with the default position, and i found that when you comment "*netloadmodule rainlendar-0.19.2" it works fine (on top), and when you coment out the line, it dosent work.

So other test: I load xLabel AFTER rainlendar, and then "miracle" it WORKS.

Conclusion, in a way, rainlendar if loaded after xLabel, breacks the "on top" status.

I may be wrong though, but I can find no other posibility

Hope it helps!
[ Edited Sat Jul 31 2004, 08:47PM ]
Posted: Wed Jun 23 2004, 04:25PM
the post above was me
Posted: Wed Jun 23 2004, 04:24PM
ok, i found something.
i'm using lswchanger to change the wallpaper on startup. when this feature is enabled, my labels lose the flag ontop. but when i don't load this module and don't try to switch wallpaper, it's working, labels stay ontop.
Posted: Mon Jun 21 2004, 08:31PM
any news?

about the path: like i said, wasn't meant to be published - but wasn't meant to have such a direct path either

edit: shit, i have those news: just tried to load xlabel as last module - and what can i say, now it works!!

strange though - something obviously steals ontop from xlabel...
[ Edited Mon Jun 21 2004, 09:19PM ]
[ Edited Mon Jun 21 2004, 09:20PM ]
Posted: Thu Jun 17 2004, 04:18PM
erm, like

issn't it a little bit too direct the path???

btw: ok, I'll check your settings from the label now
Posted: Thu Jun 17 2004, 12:35PM
yes, i mean that one special label... its name is LblQLInfo and it's defined in quicklaunch.rc.
the other parts of the quicklaunch are skinboxes btw.

um, what do you actually mean with the rainlendar path being too direct?
Posted: Thu Jun 17 2004, 04:29AM
ok, first of all, I moved this thread to Themes section

2. Now I tried your theme and what can I say..... it works only your Rainlender bg path seems to be... erm... TOO direct , but it's ok, I changed it to vars for me
ok back to problem.
you said that you cannot have the "quicklaunch on top, that's sad, cause here it just works, excapt the "quicklaunch name label" below, or is this the problem you ment (sorry, but your labelnames are not quite easy to understand
Posted: Thu Jun 17 2004, 02:20AM
I tried it out as well; no luck. But I'm liking this theme... it's simple and spartan like mine and yet there are some nice features I hadn't thought of. I particularly like the amp hover controls, and that quicklaunch would be very useful once the label problem is found...

You do know that in Rainlendar you can use $LSImageFolder$? I know, work-in-progress...
Posted: Thu Jun 17 2004, 12:01AM
thank you. it really sucks, doesn't it?
of course i can somehow live with it, but it's really annoying not to know what the hell is going on... i just once more checked if there's something that could overwrite the setting, but there definitely isn't.
Posted: Wed Jun 16 2004, 05:10AM
ElkMonster - I installed your theme! The label with the info "doesn't" appear "ontop". I did some changes to the code and nothing

I don't understant why it don't work ... ??? I will do more testing when i have time
Review complete thread. (Will open a new window.)

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