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Cerbie on 26 Oct : 05:04
Is there a way to check and see if a label is do[more]

slumlord on 26 Oct : 02:16
dont know if this is the 'official' bug thread but[more]

SMaddox on 25 Oct : 23:02
Ya i was having trouble with it when i had two lin[more]

Andymon on 25 Oct : 13:22
AlwaysOnTop, load Rainlendar before (or after) xTa[more]

Andymon on 25 Oct : 13:20
xTaskbar Icons are by default Centered in the Task[more]

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xPopup-0.2 Released!!
Posted on Sunday 18 July 2004 - 18:15:20 by GothsSecret
It's done =) Another xModule: xPopup is starting!
You will say, "Another Popup Module, Why That?"

Well, First this is NO POPUP2 Code Clone, it's based on xLabel and xTaskbar, so maybe there are some problems which Popup2 already has solved long ago.
Ok, let's enumerate some main features:
1. Multiple Syntax for unlimited different Popups (each popup can have it's unique look).
2. Continuous BG Picture (Popup can have ANY shape you wish)
3. AlphaFading and AlphaTransparent Popups
4. All Icons and Images can have different Saturation and Hueing
5. All Text, Icon, Image, Gradient features you know from xLabel or xTaskbar
6. Dynamic Info Entrys, which can provide ANY Info xLabel(Light) can serve (if loaded of course )
7. General Module Hooking Support: You can hook LsxCommand in the Popup or the complete xTaskbar
8. Compatible to *Popup settings in Compatibility Mode, so you don't have to change your settings in the Personal Folder. If you want to, you can load Popup2 and xPopup at the same time without problems.
9. ...

If you combine all these things, you'll get even more possibilities.

But (There's always a "But"), some things are currently not supported! They will naturally be parsed out, they won't bother someone to remove them manually
Some Special abilities of Popup2 are obsolete due to "Dynamic Info Entrys" and "Module Hook Support", as there are:
!datetime, !remoteamp, !popupimage and !popuprun.
Also the special Popup Folders aren't implemented ATM, as there are:
!PopupTasks, !PopupMyComputer,!PopupNetwork, !PopupControlPanel, !PopupPrinters, !PopupRecycleBin, !PopupRecentDo[*&/§=!$]ents and !PopupDesktops

So let's get started =)

Grab xPopup-0.2 here


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