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nanook on 27 Oct : 02:59
I was told that I might be abl[more]

Backslash on 27 Oct : 02:43
The additions xTextedit / xLab[more]

Backslash on 27 Oct : 02:26
After hearing about some pro[more]

Anonymous on 26 Oct : 22:13
OK, one bug that surfaced in 1[more]

Anonymous on 26 Oct : 20:30
If it's not too much trouble w[more]

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LSSyndication-b0.9.0 and Foobang-alpha-2 are Released!
Posted on Saturday 08 May 2004 - 19:36:32 by GothsSecret
Grab LSSyndication here

Grab Foobang here

LSSyndication Changes:
*Added background images (with magic pink, though not real transperacy)

*Fixed a problem with !LssRssNextSource when the first file wasn't valid

*Fixed the network code to use the "If-Modified-Since" header, so it won't update the local news if the file hasn't been modified. This feature eases the load on both the server and you! For servers supporting this feature, this will make the "LssRssUpdateInterval" setting (almost) unnessesary.

Foobang Changes:
First release by me. Added support for the new versions of foobar2000 (0.8 and 0.8.1)
New .rc command: fooUseOldV, it tells fooBang to interact with the earlier versions of foobar2000.



Backslash   27 Oct : 02:00
I'm liking this new layout. Looks great on both Maxthon and Avant Browser. And woot, chatbox!

iStarTAC   27 Oct : 01:48
Looks cool on my browser. Using Maxhton

SMaddox   27 Oct : 00:47
the chatbox is what is causing it to be so big... i commented the same thing on the news but didnt' know if anyone would read it

Maestr0   26 Oct : 22:39
the site looks very nice though! good job guys

Maestr0   26 Oct : 22:38
this menu on the right could probably be cut in half...

Warma   26 Oct : 22:15
This takes quite a bit of space though.

Acidfire   26 Oct : 20:40
Yay for the fun Chatbox

ElkMonster   26 Oct : 19:52

GothsSecret   26 Oct : 19:13
well now, just tried and the chatbox works *hope*

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