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nanook on 27 Oct : 02:59
I was told that I might be abl[more]

Backslash on 27 Oct : 02:43
The additions xTextedit / xLab[more]

Backslash on 27 Oct : 02:26
After hearing about some pro[more]

Anonymous on 26 Oct : 22:13
OK, one bug that surfaced in 1[more]

Anonymous on 26 Oct : 20:30
If it's not too much trouble w[more]

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xLabel-3.0 Release Candidate 1!!
Posted on Saturday 01 May 2004 - 19:19:26 by GothsSecret
Well, now it's time to present the Community xLabel-3.0_rc1

As you can see, it's only a rc version, so this is more for reporting bugs and stuff.

grab it here

in the zip file is also an updated xLabelCFG version.


3.0-RC1 Released on 01-05-2004, Changes by Andymon

- Added: (label-name)AlphaMap
Enables Per-Pixel AlphaMap PNG's for Normal, Hover, Pressed, Animation and HoverAnimation Images.

- Added: (label-name)SolidPaintingColors (bgcolor) [(lightbevelcolor)] [(darkbevelcolor)]
Only active, if no image is specified! ( (label-name)Image )

- Added: (label-name)SolidPaintingHoverColors (bgcolor) [(lightbevelcolor)] [(darkbevelcolor)]
Only active, if no image is specified! ( (label-name)Image )

- Added: (label-name)SolidPaintingPressedColors (bgcolor) [(lightbevelcolor)] [(darkbevelcolor)]
Only active, if no image is specified! ( (label-name)Image )

- Added: (label-name)SolidPaintingBevelSize (number)
Size of the painted bevel in pixels. Requires "SolidPaintingColors" defined and found valid.

- Added: (label-name)BorderMethod (method) [(method)] [(method)]
Methods are "Raised", "Sunken", "Etched", "Bump" and ".none" (Default)
BorderMethod accepts up to three values. First for "Normal" Image, then optional "Hover" and "Pressed"
This draws only a rectangle Border, so you better use it only on Rectangular Labels!

- Added: (label-name)OnMove
Performs given action AFTER a label has been moved (Bang or Manually dragged)

- Added: Bang: !PlaySound "Full Path to *.wav|*.mp3|*.mid"
Like PsyWavBang just with added MP3 and MIDI support =)

- Added: Bang: !LabelResizeBy (label-name) (cx) (cy)
Unites !labelgrow and !labelshrink. Positive values let the label grow, negative shrink.

- Added: CFG-Tool for xLabel(Light) and xDesktop by GothsSecret

- Added: (label-name)Image supports now ANY valid FilePath, if no image is found, the File-Icon is displayed.
This supports Icon Displaying without Pink Outlines ( like with .extract=... ) on XP.

- Added: Time/Date Escape Sequence 'y' which shows "Day of the Year"

- Added: Shortcut2 Emulation: Shortcuts Hover/Pressed Sounds ( supports *.wav|*.mp3|*.mid )

- Added: (label-name)MoveModifierKey supports now ".none" for dragging without pressing any ModifierKey.
Just like the DesktopIcons.

- Changed: (label-name)PluginHtmlText becomes (label-name)HtmlText (since it's no more a plugin!)

- Changed: [activetask] no longer shows minimzed windows -> Only The "ACTIVE" (and Visible) Task

- Removed: Bang: !labeldebug

- Removed: Bang: !labelmzscriptvarcopy (label-name) (mzscript var)
Use Exported Evars instead!

- Removed: Bang: !labelposmzscriptvarcopy (label-name) (mzscript var for posx) (mzscript var for posy)
Use Exported Evars instead!

- Removed: Bang: !labelshrink
See new Bang !LabelResizeBy

- Removed: Bang: !labelgrow
See new Bang !LabelResizeBy

- Removed: Plugin: xAnim

- Removed: (label-name)OverblendStyles

- Removed: xLabelDesktop: Support for AlphaTransparent DesktopIcons

- Fixed: Moveable Labels OnEnter/OnLeave was broken, also Normal/Hover/Pressed Images. Quite big bug.

- Fixed: Sommetimes disappearing or not showing Tooltips.



Backslash   27 Oct : 02:00
I'm liking this new layout. Looks great on both Maxthon and Avant Browser. And woot, chatbox!

iStarTAC   27 Oct : 01:48
Looks cool on my browser. Using Maxhton

SMaddox   27 Oct : 00:47
the chatbox is what is causing it to be so big... i commented the same thing on the news but didnt' know if anyone would read it

Maestr0   26 Oct : 22:39
the site looks very nice though! good job guys

Maestr0   26 Oct : 22:38
this menu on the right could probably be cut in half...

Warma   26 Oct : 22:15
This takes quite a bit of space though.

Acidfire   26 Oct : 20:40
Yay for the fun Chatbox

ElkMonster   26 Oct : 19:52

GothsSecret   26 Oct : 19:13
well now, just tried and the chatbox works *hope*

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