..:: 09.02.2004 , 11:25:26 ::..

Get Litestep!


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  • How do I switch back to Explorer shell without uninstalling Litestep?
    You can find 2 shortcuts on your Desktop (WinNT Based:
    c:\Documents and Settings\Username\Desktop\ or c:\Documents and Settings\AdminName\Desktop\
    :\Windows\Desktop\) which are named:
    "Set Explorer As Shell" and "Set Litestep As Shell". Doubleclick the shell you want to use and restart. With these shortcuts you switch easy between LS and Explorer.

  • Why do I need this?
    Sometimes when you use LS and you update your Windows System, not all of your updates will work, cause sometimes Windows updates after recycle, and if it couldn't find explorer shell it wouldn't.
    Best way is, if you set the explorer shell bevor you update, and after rebooting, set it back to LS.

  • I can't uninstall LS, how can I switch back?
    2 ways:
    • With the shortcuts in your Desktop folder
    • WinNT Based:
      In your Registry: Press STRG + ALT + DEL and open the Taskmanager. Add a new task (File -> Run) and enter regedit.exe (sometimes regedit32.exe).
      Now open the key:

      HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ WinLogon \

      In this folder you'll find an entry called:

      shell | REG_SZ | x:/litetep/litetsep.exe

      Just rightclick this entry and choose Change. Enter only Explorer.exe and reboot your system.

    • System.ini:
      Win 9x/ME: If you can run any program, open your sysedit, and search in the system.ini the Shell=x:\litetep\litetsep.exe line.
      Rename the path to shell=explorer.exe If you can't run any program, reboot your sytem and start in your Dos Mode.
      Enter Edit and a small dos-editor will appear.
      Now move to your c:\Windows\ and open the System.ini.
      Search for the shell entry and replace the path to explorer.exe
    Thats all

  • My Windows taskbar is over Litestep after installing, what can I do?
    This is a problem we only have with NT based OS. There can be 2 problems during install Litestep:
    • You haven't had Admin rights when you installed Litestep (important to have)
    • The installer had a registry writing problem: Open your regedit (see "I can't uninstall LS, how can I switch back?") and check these entries:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ IniFileMapping \ system.ini \ boot \

      check if the shell is set to:

      SYS:Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

      If it is, set it to:

      USR:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

      SYS:Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon <-- Wrong
      USR:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon <-- Right

      Now check:

      HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ BrowseNewProcess \

      if the entry BrowseNewProcess = "YES", if it is set to "NO", change it, but if there issn't any Entry called BrowseNewProcess, just rightclick -> New -> Key name it to BrowseNewProcess and set the value to "YES".

      The last one to check:

      HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \

      the entry called DesktopProcess.
      The value has to be "1".
      if the entry doesn't exist, rightclick -> New -> DWORD, name it to DesktopProcess and set the value to "1"

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