..:: 04.04.2004 , 12:29:52 ::..

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Welcome To LSTM2 (Litestep Theme Maker v2.1):
We're trying to make themeing much more easier for you. So we decided to create an LiteStep Theme Editor, which is especially for LiteStep's *.rc configuration files.
This Help should give you some hints on how to work best with LSTM2, but it's so easy, that we think you don't need it at all. We really hope you're enjoying this tool, telling your friends about it, posting threads with comments on www.LiteStep.net or give us any other feedback :)

Here Are Two Of The Special Features Of LSTM2:
Syntax Colorizing:
We provide a fixed BuiltIn Colorizing for OTS2 $Evars$, Normal $Evars$, !Bangs, LS Internals (such as "include"), ... enough to make a "theme.rc" much more overviewable. Additionally the mainly used module settings are also colorized, but this feature is changeable to your personal likeings. So, if someone doesn't like the Colorizing, it's possible to disable it, or just to define a new color for the Module Syntax-Colorizing. You can also add up to 5 additional Module Syntax-Colorschemes (keywords and color).

Automatic Text Completition:
Call the text completition with the "CTRL+SPACE Hotkey", and it will open a small listbox, browse with the up and down keys and finally press enter or click to paste the current tag permanent into the main window. We'll provide quite a bunch of already implemented Keywords (defined in "config\Dictionary.ini"), but of course you can add as much more as you like.

Well, A Word To The CFG-Files In The Config-Folder:
We made nearly everything in LSTM2 expandable and enhanceable via the CFG-Files, so please do it. And if you have added a feature (to the Module Syntax, Dictionary, MyBangsList, CustomData,...) get us in contact with it and we'll include it, so everyone can use it.
There are just to much modules to do it all by ourself, so every helping hand is welcome.

Last Words:
Although LSTM2 has lots of features to make themeing easier/quicker and now also has an OTS2 Checking Function, which should catch bigger problems in the theme before release. Remember it's just an "Editor"! LSTM2 cannot make the theme for you and LSTM2 cannot find all the problems for you or solve it automatically. You're the themer, you're reponsible for the perfect theme or even also for other peoples working theme. LSTM2 tries to help as much as it (or I) can, so don't blame LSTM2, if something don't work in your theme although.
And, if there should be any Questions, Feature Requests or Bug Reports tell them us ;)

We wish a happy themeing!

LS Theme Maker v2.1 Documentation
Written By GothsSecret & Andymon

© by LS-Universe