..:: 03.02.2004 , 12:14:12 ::..

Get Litestep!


..:: Using LSTM? ::..

..:: What Is LSTM? Using LSTM Configuration Files Hints & Tricks Download It ::..

Project/Snippet Bar?
First of all, we decided not to create our own Project Files, since every Theme is a Project (with all containing files). So we have Projects, which are something like that. The Project-Scan seeks through your Themes-Folder and shows you all of your Themes (with corresponding files).
So this is the first, the Projects (Themes) Tab in the Project/Snippet Bar, with this features in particular:

  • Automatic recursive scanning of your Themes-Folder for all Themes (Projects).
  • List of all Projects with Configuration Files and Pictures in separate folders.
  • Normal ContextMenu for all files.
  • Open all config files with one click.
  • Thumbnail Preview of all BMP-Files with name and size with one click.
  • Zipping of Themes due to OTS2 Theme Publishing Standard (you must just rename them from *.zip to *.lsz).
Next is the Snippets Tab for easy Use, PasteIn, Edit and Adding of already written Scripts/CodeSnippets.
The use itself should be no problem. Here are the features:
  • DowpDown-Menu with all Snippets.
  • Immediate preview of the Snippet after choosing.
  • Instant editing of header (shown Snippet Title) and Snippet Content.
  • Temporary Autosave of all changes (if you want to keep them forever, you must save the Snippets).
  • Single deletion of Snippets.
  • Insert Snippet at cursorpos.
  • Get new Snippet from currently selected text.
  • Auto Backup, to prevent loss of important Snippets, in "Backup.txt".
Last, is the Find File(s) Tab, with this features:
  • Find File(s) with lots of features.
  • Find Text In Files (if you open the file afterwards the searched text is already selected ;)).
  • Standard ContextMenu's for found files.

Project/Snippet Bar?
If the Project/Snippet Bar is not visible, open it via the "View" Menu with "Project/Snippet ToolBar". If it's visible you can also hide it there.

Projects (Themes):
By Doubleclicking one file, you can open it.
By Doubleclicking the "Configuration ..." entries, LSTM2 will ask if it shall open all *.rc and *.box files.
By Doubleclicking the "Pictures ..." entries, it will preview thumbnails of all found *.bmp. You also can preview single BMP-Images. Open them in exactly the same way as the files.
A Rightclick gives you the Standard ContextMenu's.
The last thing, you can Zip your Theme-Folder directly out of here to the OTS2 Theme Publishing Standard.

In the Snippet bar you can Add, Rename, Delete or Modify new or old Snippets you wrote. Don't be angry if you have deleted a Snippet, they will be backuped in the config folder in the "Backup.txt". Everything should be obvious, since all has textinfos or tooltips.

Find File(s):
What should I say, test it. The generated list supports RightClick ContextMenu's and DoubleClick opening of files.
Last thing: If you've searched for containing text in files, after opening the file the text is already selected ;).

Multi Function Bar?
In the Multi Function Bar, you can find useful things, you could need for a quicker and better themeing process. Nobody knows everything, so here you can look for what you're currently are searching for.
If the Multi Function Bar is not visible, open it via the "View" Menu by clicking "Multi Function ToolBar". If it's visible, you can also hide it there.

Here you can find "All" of the offical ModuleNames from www.ShellFront.org. Decide which one you want/need, *NetLoadModule or *NetInstallModule, then Doubleleftclick it and LSTM2 will insert the corresponding line at the current cursorposition. A Doublerightclick will download and install the module automatically for the further themeing process.

All BuiltIn Litestep Evars (defined in "config\BuiltInEvarsList.ini") can be found here, also the OTS2 Evars from the "Evars.rc" (defined in "config\MyEvarsList.ini") are added at the bottom of the Evars-List.
The "Scan For Custom Evars" Button, scans the currently open document AND it dependencies (include lines) for "Custom Evars" and adds them with their content to the bottom of the Evars-List. Every new scan clears the previous Evars-List and generates a new from the actual file!
A Left Doubleclick on an $Evar$ will add it at the current cursor position in your open document.
A Right Doubleclick on an $Evar$ will show you the current content of this variable in a MessageBox.

Here you have the !Bangs (defined in "config\MyBangsList.ini"), with their required or optional parameters. You can execute every !Bang via the "Editbox" + "Execute Button". The EditBox displays the current !Bang. Choose your !Bang from the list (Rightclick) or enter it manually and click the "!" Button to execute. Requires correct LiteStepDir in Settings defined!
A Left Doubleclick on a !Bang will add it at the current cursor position in your open document.
A Right Click on an !Bang will copy the current !Bang in the "Execute Combobox".

Window Info:
The most of you should know the function of this kind of tool, as the famous "WinSpy32" is well known, but this is slightly different. Open the Bar and Click "Get Window Info". The Spy Window will appear OnTop of all windows. Now get the SpyCursor [Click the Left Mouse Button on the ICON and hold the Button down, the MainWindow will hide!] and move with the cursor to the Window/Litestep Element you would like to know something about, and then release the Left Mouse Button. You see the Info in the Dialog, you can, if you want, copy the Info Text to the WindowInfo Tab. If you do this, the complete settings will be stored in the WindowInfo Tab and you can switch back to it till LSTM2 restarts. So everything from the Dialog will be copied in the WindowInfo Tab and is ready for Copy&Paste.
(*Again* The last captions can be recalled in the combo box above, until you restart LSTM2!)

Auto Completition:
(Main Window)
Press in the Editor the Hotkey "CTRL+SPACE" and you'll see a DropDown-List with a lot of !Bangs and Evars to select from (or just start writing, LSTM2 will automatically jump to the entryies it can find in the "Dictionary.ini").

Interactive Hints:
Mark a Setting/$Evar$/!Bang
-> RightClick -> "What Is It?"
LSTM2 will show you a small hint, if available, about the selected word (The hints are defined in "config\CustomData.txt").
To get an Info on $Evars$ you should include the "$...$" in the selection.
To get an Info on !Bangs you should include the "!" in the selection.

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