..:: 04.04.2004 , 12:09:25 ::..

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The snippet are is now online, and I hope you'll send me some of your favourite snippets.
A few snippets are already there :).
I know that it's not perfect, so I will work on the are a little bit more, especially for the script links, but I think that it works good for now :)

Right now I'm creating a snippet area.
What does that mean?
This will be a place for themer where they can find snippets for their themes.
We all know the problem, trying to create anything and don't know how it works. This section should help you to find what you need. Themer will be able to submit snippets.

Andymon is working on xlabel-2.7!!!!!!!!!
There will be some bug fixes (not very important, but annoying)
External plugin for xlabel to use HTML Tags.
For now it supports:
  • <strong>
  • <b>
  • <i>
  • <em>
  • <u>
  • <center>
  • <br>
  • <p>
    • <p align=left>
    • <p align=right>
    • <p align=center>
  • <font>
    • <font face=facename>
    • <font size=(HTML Size, not Pixel)>
    • <font color=#hexcode>
    • <font face=facename size=2 color=#hexcode>
More tags will be added if wished!
This will offer you a lot of new designs for label texts :)

DiscSpace: c:\ Free: 20% Used: 80%
DiscSpace: d:\ Free: 40% Used: 60%
WinampSong: Title - Name - 4:20


<p align=left><b>DiscSpace: <u>c:\</u> <font color=#00ff00>Free:</font> 20% <font color=#ff0000>Used:</font> 80%</b></p>
<p align=center><i>DiscSpace:</i> d:\ <font size=+2>Free: 40%</font> Used: 60%</p>
<p align=right><u><i>WinampSong:</i></u> <font size=+1 face=Arial Black>Title</font> - Name - <i>4:20</i></p>

Label result:

DiscSpace: c:\ Free: 20% Used: 80%

DiscSpace: d:\ Free: 40% Used: 60%

WinampSong: Title - Name - 4:20

I think there will be more "plugins" in the future to manipulate your label in different ways.

First I proudly announce the next update of xLabelLight-1.1
The version of xlabel with only the essential features and bugfixes since version 2.2.2 added.
xLabelLight-1.1: Download

First of all, the TrueTransparency invented with v2.5.5 (v1.0) seems?? (Noone complained!?) to have problems with Win9x/ME. So, if you have Win9x/ME and have problems, PLEASE tell me!! (Which setting, When, What happens, ...)

Next is the DesktopIcon TrueTransparency Text. In some cases of Font and FontHeight there could occur some Pink irritations. Just try another Font or FontHeight!

The new versions of xlabel-2.6 and xlabellight-1.1 have both a feature/"bug"!
As you know you have 2 settings regarding Transparency, (label-name)Transparent and (label-name)TrueTransparency.

  1. If you specify (label-name)Transparent, the MagicPink becomes a fixed copy of your DesktopBackground. Text is painted on it.
  2. If you specify (label-name)TrueTransparency, the MagicPink is removed from the label window. Therefore TrueTransparency, all below this label is visible at the MagicPink regions. Text is not painted on the MagicPink regions.
  3. If you specify both, it's the same as in 2.
  4. Now the feature/"bug":
    If you specify none, it should paint MagicPink as Pink, but it has TrueTransparency with ONE major difference to 2. (3.) you can now have Text painted above TrueTransparency Regions.
As before, you need a (label-name)Image specified for all Transparency features work this way. If you don't set an image this won't work as described above! See ReadMe.

You can now have free standing TrueTransparent Text with that feature/"bug".
Make an Image completely MagicPink and set nor (label-name)Transparent neither (label-name)TrueTransparency.

As I promised yesterday, xlabel-2.6 is now available!!!!
It has become a huge update with many features right now.

PS: If you're an Win 9x/ME user, please tell Andymon about transparency bugs!!!!!

Tomorrow is the time..... time to release xLabel-2.6 *g*
One thing with XP: if you're using DesktopIcons and enable Saturation/Hueing, there will be a black "shadow" istead of alpha transparent shadow (btw: Icondesk got that bug too *g*). We're trying to fix it until tomorrow, but I don't think that it will work (it's less annoying than a pink shadow)

I decidet to create a new Module for Amp (oh no, not another one!! *g*), but there is a difference, cou will be able to show (and scroll) your playlist, also execute the selected track.

In the next days we're going to release xlable-2.6 with a lot of new features:
  • Added:
    • Alpha Transparency
    • Ghosted Images
    • Tooltip Support
    • Label Groups
    • Shortcut2 Support (moveable and saving positions)
    • ZOrder Optimzed
    • Auto Adaptive Size Of Labels Containing Text (scrolling or auto adaptive or nothing)
  • Fixed:
    • No Case Sensitivity (Desktop Items)
    • Pink Shadows Removed (Desktop Items)
    • No Textbox Fake Transparency (Desktop Items)

I've added a new "General Scripting FAQ" where I tried to explain how you do some maths with variables.
The example for this FAQ is a resolution independent taskbar width.

LS-Universe grows slow but steady ;) Added Sections "Get Litestep" and "FAQ"

www.litestep.com is back online!
You can find now/or soon several new SubDomains, to specific Litestep issues like Themes, Help, Forums, ....

Added some modules to the modules list, to get the list step after step up to date ;). You can find them in the Modules Section.

First I proudly announce the first release of xLabelLight-1.0
A version of xlabel with only the essential features and bugfixes since version 2.2.2 added. Some user "complained" about the many new features of xlabel which emulate other modules. So here it is a xlabel without that ;)
Tell me your wishes and if possible i fulfil them as you see.
xLabelLight-1.0: Download

Many other updated Modules are also released ;) You can get it soon also in the Modules Section ;) Next are the Gathering based Themes updated with:

We're back online!!!
Ok, not all sections are finished, but the most recent files are uploaded.

xlabel-2.5.5 is released also, find it in the Modules Section.

© by LS-Universe