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photofx on 21 Sep : 18:32
that's something that i'm hoping all modules wil[more]

photofx on 21 Sep : 18:24
actually i belive i have truetransparency set (win[more]

Andymon on 21 Sep : 13:12
Maybe some solutions:
1. The Entrys suppo[more]

Andymon on 21 Sep : 13:07
No known systray module can use AlphaMap, but you [more]

Wolzly on 21 Sep : 08:57
Okay I don't even know if I'm using the right term[more]

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xPopup - Bit of an odd question

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Thread: xPopup - Bit of an odd question
             Mon Aug 16 2004, 05:52PM
Registered Member #56
Joined Wed Jun 30 2004, 11:42AM
posts 12
I've been eyeing up xPopup as a replacement for my current popup module for some time now. I've just got one question, and it's a bit odd I guess. Latest versions of Popup2 introduced a 'feature' that made the popup open 1px down and to the right of the cursor when you opened it. This way, when you opened the popup, you need to move the cursor a bit to click the first menu option. Does xPopup do this? If yes, can it be disabled? I've been staying away from the latest versions of popup2 for this very reason.

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Thread: xPopup - Bit of an odd question
             Mon Aug 16 2004, 10:11PM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 65
xPopup can go whereever you want...and no, it doesn't do that. So far it's ~90% of the way to replacing popup2, IMO.
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