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xTray ?

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Thread: xTray ?
             Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:56PM

Registered Member #102
Joined Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:28PM
posts 13
Hi Guys!

Everybody has some problems with systray or vtray. Maybe you guys can make an xTray module. which have a totally new program code.

I think thats a wish of many people
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Thread: xTray ?
             Mon Aug 16 2004, 03:01AM

posts 42
Systray is one of the hardest module to code, so I don't think that we'll ever do this (not that we wouldn't, but we don't understand how it works *lol*, and another important thing is, that vTray has the most features we would love to have, so we don't think it that is so important to do this).

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: xTray ?
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 02:29AM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 64
true. and we don't want you guys spread too thin...

Hey, we should see if we could get Vendicator to hang around here

what kind of things are you wanting, matrixman? Only thing I can think of is an option for tooltip-show-delay so that I can set it to near-instantaneous...
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Thread: xTray ?
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 04:54AM

Registered Member #102
Joined: Sun Aug 15 2004, 08:28PM
posts 13
You're right guys.

Only thing that disturbs me is that much icons like ICQ / McAfee etc. cant be viewed in vtray / systray.

and the xtaskbarmodule is very good . when i used default taskbar module there are many programs that have problems with the module. but xtaskbar have no problems with any programs.

i dont know that it is the hardest module to code.

but maybe vendicator can update it and maybe fix it.

i will try to contact him

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Thread: xTray ?
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 06:23AM

I would like to see per-pixle transparency in vtray. as andymon knows, i'm all about per-pixle alpha. I myself have never had icon issues with vtray unless I try to apply a hue to them, and then they all go corrupt. :/
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Thread: xTray ?
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 10:10AM

Registered Member #89
Joined: Sat Jul 31 2004, 07:22PM
posts 12
when it is to vTray issues, one of the two issues I got is when I make a vTray without a background image (full transparent) then some icons (only "some", in fact the WINXP icons) get a sort of border drawn in magick pink (I got this only on WInXP). But it seems that the issue comes from the fact that XP draws icons with a sort of "smoothing" effect that makes per pix alpha transparency on them, and as vTray has no support for alpha per pix, I suppose, that it can not draw those kind of icons properly.

The other issue I get (and this one with both systray and vTray), is when (for X reason) LS craches, or when I kill LS in the task manager, after that, when I reload LS, I have many icons missing. There is a feature supposed to make vTray "remember" the icons that were in it, but it dosent work for me.

All this on WinXP.

Just thaught it would be usefull to be said
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Thread: xTray ?
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 02:16PM

posts 42
BobixLeSage wrote: ...
when it is to vTray issues, one of the two issues I got is when I make a vTray without a background image (full transparent) then some icons (only "some", in fact the WINXP icons) get a sort of border drawn in magick pink (I got this only on WInXP). But it seems that the issue comes from the fact that XP draws icons with a sort of "smoothing" effect that makes per pix alpha transparency on them, and as vTray has no support for alpha per pix, I suppose, that it can not draw those kind of icons properly.

yeah, as you maybe can remember, we also had that kind of problems during xLabel Desktop (xDesktop) creation, and sometimes there might still be some icons having those annoying xp pink borders. but it's really an XP issue

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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