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Anonymous on 11 Sep : 13:13
The combined piped folders show th[more]

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I could be wrong but I think I know what you're ge[more]

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i download 9.02 version
with automenubrea[more]

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Yes, because of the current implementation, each i[more]

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A "How to do it?" or a possible xLabel feature request

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Thread: A "How to do it?" or a possible xLabel feature request
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 10:42AM

Registered Member #89
Joined Sat Jul 31 2004, 07:22PM
posts 12
Strange title is'n it?

Here it is:

I want to make a bar (kind of "quck lauch bar") that displays the content of a folder in icon form. So the end result should look like a systray, but the icons in it would be those representing the content of a folder (a folder with shortcuts to my fav apps for ex).
I think it would be a module that asks for a background immage, a path to the folder, and the icon sise to be displayed (something raly simple, indeed).

I looked a lot for something like this but, no clue, unless I missed something, do I?

If there is no module doing that, I think that it could be cool implementing this in xLabel.
It would work like a text escape sequence and should look like:


ANd I would use it making a simple label that in stead of displayng text, displays the icons from the folder I specify.

This would help making siple quicklauch bars, where the themer has not to worry about how the end user will display its fav shortcuts, cause the usre will only have to set the path. You can imagine even creating quicklauch bars on the fly (like with the explorer bar).

Well so please tell me is this possible or is there a module that does ths allready.

Thanks in advance
[ Edited ]
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Thread: A "How to do it?" or a possible xLabel feature request
             Tue Aug 17 2004, 02:22PM

posts 42
erm...why don't you use xPopup ??? ..
there you're able to show up a whole folder (vertical too) with only icons in the main root of the popup

for an example

 ;the popup menü with a path ($Lsdir$shortcuts") 
 *popup "StartMenu" !new !staticpopup staticpopup 
 *popup "Shortcuts" !popupdynamicfolder:"$litestepdir$shortcuts" 
 *popup ~new 
 ;the popup style "StaticPopup" 
 staticpopupquicklaunchmode .horizontal 
 staticpopupquicklaunchwrapcount 7 
 staticpopupshowcaption .none 
 staticpopupondrop shortcut 
 staticpopupleftborder 8 
 staticpopuprightborder 8 
 staticpopuptopborder 4 
 staticpopupbottomborder 4 
 staticpopupsolidcolors C0C0C0 000000 FFFFFFF 
 staticpopupsolidgradientcolors 000000 
 staticpopupsolidbevelsize 2 
 staticpopupxspacing 5 
 staticpopupyspacing 5 
 staticpopupwrapcount 5 
 staticpopupentryiconsize 32 
 staticpopupentryicony 0 

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: A "How to do it?" or a possible xLabel feature request
             Wed Aug 18 2004, 11:32AM

Registered Member #89
Joined: Sat Jul 31 2004, 07:22PM
posts 12
Ok, that's cool ,with a little tweaking, I get the layout that I need.

Now, I would like to hook the popup into a xLabel
And I see in the readme tat modules can be hooked in the popup, but nothing about popup being hooked into...something else
Did I missed a setting somewhere

Or is it an other feature request showing up

And thanks for the previus tip
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