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[re: xTaskbarOnWheelDown not working]
that was activated ... i just tried without it and[more ...]

Backslash on 10 Jul : 22:58
[re: xLabel question and suggestions]
I did some testing and found out that this bug doe[more ...]

GothsSecret on 10 Jul : 21:20
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very soon

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When will 1.0 be out?

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xLabel (xDesktop) Request - AutoSnapToGrid !?

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Thread: xLabel (xDesktop) Request - AutoSnapToGrid !?
             Fri Jul 09 2004, 02:11AM

Registered Member #39
Joined Mon May 31 2004, 12:24PM
posts 17
Since we have grid alignment in xLabel v3.1, would be nice to auto align one or all the icons in the desktop! The option could be put in the same way you can remove an icon from desktop without removing the file, right clicking on the icon
I like the new snap to grid function, but i believe it will work better this way.
Is this hard to implement Andymon?
Does anyone have same opinion has me?

I think it will be harder to xLabel be better , great work Andymon!
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Thread: xLabel (xDesktop) Request - AutoSnapToGrid !?
             Fri Jul 09 2004, 11:38AM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 30
Hmm... not sure what you mean, do you mean turning on auto-align for only specific icons?
Doesn't sound too hard, but then I'm not the one programming it...
Give an example for how this would be used, I'm interested!

Also, I think SnapTo grid would be useful for labels also! I'd like to request it. What do you think?
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Thread: xLabel (xDesktop) Request - AutoSnapToGrid !?
             Fri Jul 09 2004, 12:15PM

Registered Member #39
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 12:24PM
posts 17
Right now we have "xLabelDesktopSnapTo", if you move the icons on desktop they will snap to the grid you created!
I want to auto snap without you have to move the icon manually! For one icon or all!
For example, when you first start the desktop module the icons appear all aligned one after another, then you move then to the desired position and save they positions! This option would align then in respective positions!
If you have the following icon
*xlabeldesktopitem xldi01 110 105
and there was a grid position passing on the point 100x100 this icon would be moved to this position ->
*xlabeldesktopitem xldi01 100 100
I think would not be hard to create this! And the same feature to labels or/and shortcuts would be nice too!
I hope have explained better.
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Thread: xLabel (xDesktop) Request - AutoSnapToGrid !?
             Fri Jul 09 2004, 12:25PM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 30
I see! Shows I haven't tried it long enough, I assumed they were snapping to grid on creation, but I should have tried changing the grid so that they were not already ON the grid. I had a grid involving SpacingX and SpacingY.

So, I agree with your suggestion!
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Thread: xLabel (xDesktop) Request - AutoSnapToGrid !?
             Sat Jul 10 2004, 01:18PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 39
About SnapTo: The default Bang !labeldesktopcreate replace ".desktop" is a very good Bang for all kinds of positioning. There are many settings in xLabelDesktop which are only for Positioning with that Bang and nothing else.
So if you want a "Special" grid just setup the desired one with the available settings and call
!labeldesktopcreate replace ".desktop"
Of course this always repositions the whole Desktop not only single Icons.
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