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Lymmen on 11 Jul : 23:03
[thread: Xtaskbar and Xlabel (xdesktop) bug reports]
Hi I'm using the lastest version of xtaskbar 1.0 a[more ...]

iStarTAC on 11 Jul : 18:57
[re: xLabel (xDesktop) Request - AutoSnapToGrid !?]
Hi @Andymon!
I think you didn't understan[more ...]

Andymon on 11 Jul : 16:49
[re: xLabel question and suggestions]
Just one thing about a $Evar$ this is a [more ...]

muhKuh on 11 Jul : 00:38
[re: xTaskbarOnWheelDown not working]
that was activated ... i just tried without it and[more ...]

Backslash on 10 Jul : 22:58
[re: xLabel question and suggestions]
I did some testing and found out that this bug doe[more ...]

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xTaskbarOnWheelDown not working

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Thread: xTaskbarOnWheelDown not working
             Fri Jul 09 2004, 05:46PM

Registered Member #55
Joined Fri Jun 25 2004, 10:59PM
posts 5
as well as xTaskbarOnWheelUp

btw - could u add a "new thread" button to the top of the page?
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Thread: xTaskbarOnWheelDown not working
             Sat Jul 10 2004, 12:05PM

Registered Member #55
Joined: Fri Jun 25 2004, 10:59PM
posts 5
its not working for labels either =(
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Thread: xTaskbarOnWheelDown not working
             Sat Jul 10 2004, 01:22PM

Joined: Thu Apr 29 2004, 08:25PM
posts 40
Wheel is only functional if the Label or xTaskbar has the Input Focus (By Clicking it with the Mouse Once).
Therefore the setting "FocusOnEnter" exists.
Set (label-name)FocusOnEnter and/or xTaskbarFocusOnEnter then it works.
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Thread: xTaskbarOnWheelDown not working
             Sun Jul 11 2004, 12:38AM

Registered Member #55
Joined: Fri Jun 25 2004, 10:59PM
posts 5
that was activated ... i just tried without it and - hoho - that works for the label, but the taskbar is still not responding =(
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