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Tarran on 09 Jul : 22:09
[re: xLabel bug?]
After talking with Goth on the IRC chan I changed [more ...]

muhKuh on 09 Jul : 17:46
[thread: xTaskbarOnWheelDown not working]
as well as xTaskbarOnWheelUp

bt[more ...]

muhKuh on 09 Jul : 17:31
[thread: bug on ghosted label]
i used a label to fake tint the tray and when i [more ...]

Andymon on 09 Jul : 13:14
[re: xTaskbar Bug]
Yeah, will be fixed with 1.0

Backslash on 09 Jul : 12:25
[re: xLabel (xDesktop) Request - AutoSnapToGrid !?]
I see! Shows I haven't tried it long enough, I as[more ...]

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xLabel bug?

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Thread: xLabel bug?
             Tue Jul 06 2004, 10:55PM

or am I just doing it wrong... I'm trying to get the width of a center label to be done dynamically....

WinampX $ResolutionX/2$
WinampY "0"
WinampAutoHeightMode "top"
WinampAutoMaxHeight "2%"
WinampAutoWidthMode "center"
WinampAutoMaxWidth "$xwidth$"
xwidth $ResolutionX-((ClockCurrentWidth+UptimeCurrentWidth)*2)$

That's the code I'm using... I have a xres of 1280 and the clock is 244 and the uptime is 174 width wise... so theoretically by adding those together and then multiplying them by 2 and subtracting that from the total rez it should make it so the max width of the center label bumps against the edge of the 2nd label right? But for some reason it leaves a gap between the two and I can't figure out why... basically I'm doing this as a stopgap measure to prevent it from overlapping the systray icons with a long song title since I can't get the width of the systray when it's autowidth unless I'm missing how... so any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or is this a bug?
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Thread: xLabel bug?
             Tue Jul 06 2004, 11:10PM

Something else I noticed is that depending on what font I use the width of the center task bar is drastically different... and I don't mean in the obvious way... the left side of the label stays in the same place but the right side of the label still spreads out... and I've been testing on a very long winamp title to see how it works and it scrolls for both so I know it's not b/c of the length of the title..
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Thread: xLabel bug?
             Fri Jul 09 2004, 12:08PM

Registered Member #38
Joined: Mon May 31 2004, 11:48AM
posts 29
According to your math your max width of the center label should be 444. What is it in your case?

I think we need more information about where the other two labels are, but if I recall and understand correctly, CurrentWidth won't work the way you're using it, as it is an exported variable. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Are Clock and Uptime set to autowidth mode? I would think that sort of information wouldn't change a lot? You could probably just use Width...
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Thread: xLabel bug?
             Fri Jul 09 2004, 10:09PM
Registered Member #68
Joined: Wed Jul 07 2004, 05:13PM
posts 1
After talking with Goth on the IRC chan I changed how it was done... doesn't look as nice as it did before but it works and that's the important part right now...
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