Thread: [xtaskbar] missing icon
Mon Aug 30 2004, 08:01PM
When I want to browse for files somewhere, I usually type the path in an lsxcommand box, hit enter and it opens an explorer window.
But when I do that, the task for this new window has no icon in xtaskbar. I noticed that there's no process (explorer or anything else) added to the task manager process list either.
I've tried with all versions of xtaskbar from 1.0 to 1.0.5 and they are all missing the icon.
Anybody knows how to get around this problem ?
Thread: [xtaskbar] missing icon
Mon Aug 30 2004, 09:19PM
This leads me to a couple of comments/request:
If you set the icon for a window matching a given title, the icon doesn't get updated.
*xTaskbarIcon "My Computer" "$ThemeDir$icons\MyComputer.ico"
*xTaskbarIcon "My documents" "$ThemeDir$icons\documentFolder.ico"
Now if I open My Computer, the task gets the right icon. But let's say
from this window, I browse to My documents. The window title at this point is "My documents" and I would expect the icon to change. In reality it doesn't.
There might be performance issues with implementing this, but I still think that would be a nice addition.