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weeyum on 21 Jul : 00:26
[thread: xTaskbar not showing some apps]
I love the xModules. They have rekindled my intere[more ...]

Backslash on 20 Jul : 23:37
[re: xPopup suggestions]
Great! Thanks for the update! (and doh, I can't [more ...]

Andymon on 20 Jul : 13:08
[re: xPopup suggestions]
Ok, one by one.
Fo[more ...]

Andymon on 20 Jul : 13:06
[re: xTaskbar images, solid colors, and states]
Hi, if you can/have written a solid colors example[more ...]

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Thread: Requests
             Thu Jul 15 2004, 10:29PM

Heya, I use xlabel and xtaskbar now for my theme, I like them both a lot. I was wondering if a few things could be added please. SmallIcons for Shorcuts, This is almost exactly what I've been wanting for ls for a long time, but I need SmallIcons for shortcuts. Just to be clear, I use xlabels shortcut handling.
The other thing is either a way to make hotspots with xlabel or some sort of hotspot handling in either xlabel or just xtaskbar. The way I'm seeing the hotspots isn't like any other module I've noticed. I just need a module that can notice when the mouse hits a 1px resolutionx long hotspot at the bottom of the screen to show xtaskbar. There would also be another hotspot line that sits at xtaskbars height. This hotspot would hide xtaskbar. but would only react to a mouse moving upward. You could use this to make a auto hiding/showing xtaskbar. Also you would need to send bangs to jdesk to reset the work area each time xtaskbar was shown or hidden. I hope thats fairly clear. That would make the x mods rule tnx for your hard work already andymon.
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Thread: Requests
             Thu Jul 15 2004, 10:31PM

Oh, I forgot to say.. The hotspots should work within fitts law. I.E. you would only need to bump the bottom to get the xtaskbar to show.
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Thread: Requests
             Fri Jul 16 2004, 12:40AM

posts 27
I'm really not sure what you're taling about:
a: shortcuts are shortcuts!!!! therse is nothing more to do :-s
b: create a label with "OnMouseEnter" ... there you got as many Hotspots as you want
c: to use an icons, use also a label

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: Requests
             Fri Jul 16 2004, 01:54PM
Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 27
To elaborate from Gothsecret: if you enter a label and it does not contain other labels, you're in it until you exit, even if it has something other than another label hooked (lie say, xTaskbar). With hooked labels, you should be fine as long as they don't also have onEnter/onLeave actions defined, and maybe even then.

Also, there's no way to know which way the mouse is going w/o scripting, as it is simply sampled at intervals.

If you want a 1px line hotspot, use a hotspot module to make the line. Or you could have the alpha of the taskbar at 1, and have it's Y position be -1, moved to -$(labelname)currentheight$ onEnter, also changing alpha, and back to -1 onLeave, and 1 alpha.

Aside: Gothsecret, is your sig from something by Vance?
[ Edited Fri Jul 16 2004, 01:56PM ]
[ Edited Fri Jul 16 2004, 04:20PM ]
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