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muhKuh on 11 Jul : 00:38
[re: xTaskbarOnWheelDown not working]
that was activated ... i just tried without it and[more ...]

Backslash on 10 Jul : 22:58
[re: xLabel question and suggestions]
I did some testing and found out that this bug doe[more ...]

GothsSecret on 10 Jul : 21:20
[re: xTaskbar Bug]
very soon

c0burn on 10 Jul : 19:56
[re: xTaskbar Bug]
When will 1.0 be out?

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xLabel variable font size?

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Thread: xLabel variable font size?
             Thu Jul 01 2004, 09:33PM

I've been looking through the documentation for xLabel and I was wondering if I'm missing a spot where it's possible to set a variable font size based on different factors... I am trying to get my theme resolution independent and I've read all the ways to get the size and position done but I was wondering if there was an easy way to set the font size other than a large if elseif statement for each different resolution
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Thread: xLabel variable font size?
             Thu Jul 01 2004, 11:28PM
Registered Member #52
Joined: Wed Jun 16 2004, 11:23PM
posts 4
if resolutionX < 800
LabelFontsize $smallfonts$
LabelFontsize $bigfonts$

that doesnt seem too large.
[ Edited Thu Jul 01 2004, 11:32PM ]
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Thread: xLabel variable font size?
             Thu Jul 01 2004, 11:36PM

Yeah but I want to cover a wide spectrum of resolutions from as small as 800x600 to 2000+ and for fonts to look good on all those different rez it would be very big indeed... I'm not worried about doing it... I was just wondering if there was a function available that I was missing or any plans to add one before I started writing it up
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Thread: xLabel variable font size?
             Fri Jul 02 2004, 04:16PM
Registered Member #7
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 04:35AM
posts 24
If you want bigger font on higher resolutions, you can do something like this:
resolutionmin 800 
 resolutionmax 2000 
 fontfactor 1 
 labelfontsize $resolutionmin/resolutionmax*resolutionx*factor$ 
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