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Backslash on 07 Nov : 03:25

and i[more]

photofx on 06 Nov : 19:56
no, none of the labels are a[more]

dac on 06 Nov : 14:05
I seem to have the same proble[more]

ElkMonster on 06 Nov : 14:00
also as far as i've had a look[more]

ElkMonster on 06 Nov : 13:54
erm... doesn't anybody have th[more]

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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> xlabel flickering
xlabel flickering
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Fri Apr 30 2004, 06:32PM

Registered Member #5
Joined Fri Apr 30 2004, 12:30AM
posts 73
yeah, first thread

ok, i've hooked several modules to a alpha-transparent xlabel (2.9), and if i make the whole transparent (alpha < 255), there's a lot of flickering from time to time (after recycle, it will be either there or not).
i've set refreshinterval to 0, because the label doesn't need to be updated at all.
so... maybe a bug or a feature? what can i work around?

however, xlabel is great
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Fri Apr 30 2004, 07:15PM
Registered Member #6
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 01:25AM
posts 4
yes, that is very annoying, updateinterval 0 never worked for me too (flicks like the hell), i use updateinterval 500000 or something like that in main labels and labels with systray hooked and then the flickering stop, if i´m lucky. This must be one of those things to fix in 3.0?
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Fri Apr 30 2004, 07:37PM

posts 68
Yeah, sometimes it's flickering on XP (and only XP), but I dunno why.
Now, that I'm using XP we can have a look at it try to fix it.
We hope that it will be much more better in 3.0

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Mon May 03 2004, 01:24AM

Registered Member #5
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 12:30AM
posts 73
something more on xlabel: although dragging is useful, it doesn't really look smooth, in my particular case it even looks horrible, making traces and flickering (of the modules hooked to it). moreover, if you drag it quickly, the mouse kind of "loses" the label :/
is this going to be fixed in the final release?
ah, and will you possibly add mousedown/-up events as skinbox has?

edit: hm, even more (sorry ): hooking a label to a skinbox does only work if the skinbox does not use true transparency, why is that? (you see, i'm working on a theme that has massive problems finding the right module/way to be realised... )

oh, and btw, there seems to be a bug or something messing up ls (cpu near 100%) if you hook a xlabel to lsbox with xlabel-3.0-RC1.

lol ->
[ Edited Mon May 03 2004, 01:29AM ]
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Mon May 03 2004, 05:42AM

posts 68
ok, the "quick moving looses label" is normal. it has to calculate too often the mouse proition and move the label to there, so if you're too fast, it will loose it, but I mean, I've tried it on my own... and you must be fast to loose
oh well, btw: it also depends on how "many" modules or other albels you've hooked *g* like... 200 hooked labels... ok that WILL look horrible I promise , but maybe it's really a bug so andymon will of course look at it (and I'm the stupid guy that has to test all of his *sometimes* stupid creations *lol*)

the mouse up and down... is a nice idea, but I can't tell you, perhaps andymon will post here too to tell you if will include this

skinbox problem: I don't know, I don't even know skinbox so I can't tell you anything *lol* but as you know, a hooked xlabel has to have Fake transparency that it workes right, so maybe it's the same problem

hookin into a lsbox ... hmm... maybe a bug, we've to look for it

PS: omg I love those smilies *lol*

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Mon May 03 2004, 04:46PM
Registered Member #7
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 04:35AM
posts 41
"hooking a label to a skinbox does only work if the skinbox does not use true transparency"

This is a skinbox limitation; not xlabel. It happens with every module hooked to a skinbox
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Mon May 03 2004, 10:09PM

Registered Member #5
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 12:30AM
posts 73
i've noticed this dragging thing seems to strongly depend on the apps you have running: when i had these traces, i had shareaza (evil p2p ) running which is known for not being ressource friendly. without it, everything goes smooth and pretty, nearly no traces and absolutely no losing. (however, performance was never a problem for my pc, and since other modules drag without any glitch, this is definitely xlabel-specific. but well, it does no harm.)

hey, will you add the well-known "ugly" smiley?
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Mon May 03 2004, 10:29PM

posts 68
if you can show me where I can find the "ugly" smily I think I will add it, as long as it's funny

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Mon May 03 2004, 10:40PM

Registered Member #5
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 12:30AM
posts 73
for example on

hm, sorry for posting so much, but i've just discovered something more... if i am connected to the internet and the firewall (kerio) isn't set to block all traffic, i have a cpu usage of ~6% constantly, while it's 0% most of the time else. this is only the value for the theme i'm mentioning all the time, but i've verified it's the same with other themes, only that the % value differs...

edit: seems to be xlabel, i've only tried austerity, but it doesn't show this behaviour.
[ Edited Mon May 03 2004, 10:49PM ]
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Mon May 03 2004, 10:48PM

posts 68
no problem

and <-- here we go

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: xlabel flickering
             Tue May 04 2004, 02:08AM

Registered Member #5
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 12:30AM
posts 73
err, another update

the high cpu usage is definitely caused by ... vtray!
to be more precise, by the animated kerio firewall icon, which constantly displays its status. and as it does so really often while a p2p app is running, this causes the "lag" when dragging etc.
but still it seems to be related to the hooking... i'll do some more research tomorrow
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   on 02 Nov : 19:54
hehe doin my best

   on 01 Nov : 18:54

You guys never fail to entertain

   on 01 Nov : 15:47
oh.. sorry to those 2 online ppl, Just fucked up the site for a short mement

   on 01 Nov : 06:00
xPopup 1.0.8 ROCKS!

Juan Guillermo
   on 31 Oct : 23:46
Thanks a lot for your GREAT work guis , xmodules are transforming the Litestep shell in a much more fancy/varsatile thing.

   on 30 Oct : 16:44

   on 29 Oct : 00:54
>Andymon - woot!
>GothsSecret - If necessary, you could probably reduce the gaps between the center and the sides, for those with lower resolutions (not me, I'm at 1280x1024!).

   on 28 Oct : 13:02
Just wanna tell:
HighColor(16bit) is coming for all xModules in the near future, finally.

   on 28 Oct : 11:47
hehe, now I like it too, I wassn't sure if it'll look good if we put a second menu right handed but now it's ok, so no need for a complete change anymore

   on 28 Oct : 11:34
Hello everyone!
This layout is just fine, don't get why you want to change it?!

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